- Has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. 讓我們步入痛苦相殘。
- Zarqawi had a long history of murder and bloodshed. 扎卡維的一生充斥著謀殺和血腥。
- To live means to strive with perspiration and bloodshed. 去生活是去奮鬥去付出汗水和心血。
- I was deeply disturbed and depressed by the news. 這消息使我深感不安和沮喪。
- He was disturbed and awakened by the radio. 他被收音機吵醒了。
- The movie depicting the battles and bloodshed is bound to strike home. 這部描寫戰鬥和流血犧牲的影片一定會取得預期效果。
- The Middle East conflict drags on, and bloodshed continues unabated. 中東問題久拖不決,流血事件此起彼伏;
- There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed. 但起假誓,不踐前言,殺害,偷盜,姦淫,行強暴,殺人流血,接連不斷。
- She felt a sharp pang and grew disturbed and uneasy at once. 她立即感到極度悲傷,變得煩躁不安。
- I could see he was disturbed and considerably puzzled. 我看得出來,他有些煩躁,還相當的困惑不安。
- Deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as memory, concentration, and judgment, resulting from an organic disease or a disorder of the brain. It is often accompanied by emotional disturbance and personality changes. 痴獃智力能力,例如記憶力、精神集中的能力、判斷力等的惡化,常因某器官病疾或頭腦紊亂,引起經常伴隨著情感波動和性情的變化
- Is there something very disturbing and dark about this person? 這個人有煩擾和黑暗的一面嗎?
- Temporary mental disturbance and muscular incoordination caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. 喝醉由於過量飲酒而引起的暫時性思維混亂和肌肉不協調
- Under the right circumstances, the very sight of a Garou is enough to conjure primal memories of fear and bloodshed. 在這樣的情況下,對狼人的記憶只是原初人類對恐懼和流血的自行想象。
- All the fighting and bloodshed in his plays is explained if you see his writing in a historical context. 如果你從歷史的背景去看他的作品,就會明白他戲劇中所有的那些戰鬥和流血情節。
- God and Country are an unbeatable team; they break all records for oppression and bloodshed. 上帝和國家是一支不可被擊敗的球隊;他們打破了所有壓迫和流血的紀錄。
- The inner disturbance and outside disturbance can be observed with ADRC, and use it to offset the system. 模擬結果表明,採用自抗擾控制器具有較好的動態性能、魯棒性和無超調。
- Anti-Chinese riots broke out in several cities, culminating in arson and bloodshed. 在好幾座城市發生了反對中國人的騷亂,甚至出現了縱火和流血事件。
- Greed has poisoned men's souls - has barricaded the world with hate - has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. 貪婪毒化著靈魂,在人們的心中築起仇恨,它強迫我們走向苦難和殺戮。
- Full of or characterized by bloodshed and violence. 血腥的充滿流血或暴力的或以此為特徵的