- The air reeked of distillers' grains mixed in the pig feed. 空氣中飄蕩著豬飼料中酒糟冒出的味道。
- The grain crop has gone down this year. 今年的糧食作物產量下降了。
- How can we remove the husk of the grains? 我們怎樣去掉穀物的外皮?
- The hen pecked up the grains on the ground. 母雞啄起地面上的穀粒。
- The coffee grains plugged up the kitchen drain. 咖啡渣堵塞了廚房的排水道。
- The company is an international trader in grain. 這家公司是國際糧食貿易公司。
- Their speculative buying of grain is illegal. 他們投機購買穀物是不合法的。
- Bad luck goes against the grain. 厄運總是令人討厭的。
- Stores of grain are frequently attacked by pests. 儲存的穀物經常受到害蟲的破壞。
- Our grain output will be3.7 times that of1960. 我們的糧食產量將是1960年的3。7倍。
- They are separating the grains from wheat with a threshing machine. 他們正在用打穀機給小麥脫粒。
- A bin for storing ore, grain, or other materials. 倉庫儲放礦石、穀物或其它材料的大箱
- A single grain of a cereal plant. 穀粒禾穀類作物的一個顆粒
- There isn't a grain of truth in his statement. 他的聲明裡沒有一點是真實的。
- This machine crushes wheat grain to make flour. 這台機器把麥子磨成麵粉。
- I watched them mill the grain into flour. 我看著他們把穀物磨成粉。
- It was against the grain with him. 這與他的意願相違。
- He hiked up a sack of grain on his shoulder. 他把一袋糧食舉上肩。
- The mahogany table has a fine grain. 那張紅木桌紋理精美。
- You can distil fresh water from the sea. 你可以用蒸餾法從海水中提取淡水。