- Do I need a powerful display card for video editing in FCP? 我用FCP作剪輯時會需要一片強勁的顯示咭嘛?
- Display card is between CPU and Monitor of important fittings, hence it also called「 display adapter". 顯卡是CPU與顯示器之間的重要配件,因此也叫「顯示適配器」。
- Display card is between CPU and Monitor of important fittings, hence it also called "display adapter". 一、初識顯卡顯卡是CPU與顯示器之間的重要配件,因此也叫「顯示適配器」。
- The particles of video card memory is directly integrate on PCB board of the display card. 顯存顆粒是直接集成在顯卡的PCB板上。
- Generally it is composed of PCB base plate, display chip, video card memory, display card BIOS chip, radiator. 三、細說顯卡構成一般都由PCB基板、顯示晶元、顯存、顯卡BIOS晶元、散熱器等部分構成。
- Coult you please give me your suggestions of which display card is ideal for AutoCAD design? 如果有一天,我們在路上重逢,而我告訴你「我現在很幸福」那一定是偽裝的。
- Only when the video card memory can keep up with the step of display chip, the whole of the display card could be totally given play to. 只有當顯存能跟上顯示晶元的腳步時,顯卡的整體性能才能完全發揮。
- In order to take advantage of hardware power, some researchers began to use display card to accelerate the NPR execution. 為了藉助飛速發展的圖形硬體來加速NPR,近年來不少科學家致力於使用圖形硬體加速的NPR技術研究。
- Group of BIOS chip is to deposit control, coordinate display card every partly work procedure, to coordinate the relations of all components and parts on the display card. BIOS晶元組就存放著控制、協調顯卡各部件工作的程序,來協調顯卡上各個元器件的關係。
- But because the bandwidth of PCI bus is too small, it can't meet demands of display card, then presented AGP interface, the corresponding display card is present AGP display card. 但是由於PCI匯流排的帶寬太小,滿足不了顯卡的需要,於是出現了AGP介面,相應的顯卡也就是現在的AGP顯卡。
- The early motherboard can be connected the PCI display card by a PCI interface, while an AGP interface insert at the motherboard by an AGP display card . 功能比較齊全、性能強大。而板載顯卡則簡單得多,它的顯示晶元集成在主板的北橋晶元中,而相關的電路則集成在主板上。
- Rapid plasma reagin circle card test, RPR 和快速血漿反應素試驗
- D-SUB interface have3 row15 stitch of signal lines in all, it can change digital signal that display card punish simulation signal transmission give CRT( the cathode ray tube) display. SUB介面中共有3排15針的信號線,它能把顯卡處理的數字信號轉換成模擬信號傳輸給crt(極射線管)示器。
- rapid plasma reagin card test for syphilis 快速梅毒血漿反應毒卡片試驗, 梅毒快速血漿反應素薄片試驗
- This article introduces the composing and principle of computerized reciprocating compressor indicator card testing system. 介紹了活塞式壓縮機示功圖計算機測試系統的構成和工作原理。
- The power of the display card exports the interface 顯卡的電源輸出介面
- performance index of display card 顯卡性能指標
- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一種使用陰極射線管的顯示裝置。
- The coach saved his star player for a trump card. 教練保留他的明星選手,作為他的王牌。
- His paintings are on display at the exhibition. 他的繪畫正在展覽會上展出。