The Doppler flow spectrum showed that the increase in the frequence and amplitude of positive flow spectrum could be important to the diagnosis of the congenital heart disease. 結論多普勒超聲探測胎兒肝靜脈血流頻譜是完全可行的,其正向血流增高增多可為臨床診斷胎兒某些先心病提供重要依據。
Conclusion Color Doppler echocardiography is very important in structural and hemodynamic study of RVOT reconstruction with valved BJVC in cyanotic congenital heart disease. 結論超聲心動圖在複雜紫紺先心病行牛頸靜脈帶瓣管道重建右心室流出道的結構及血流動力學變化中起著非常重要的作用。