- The preferential trade treatment granted by China to some African ries has promoted the development of both sides. 中國向非洲部分國家提供的貿易優惠待遇促進了雙方的發展。
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 該店的全部現貨是光面的平裝書。
- My deskmate wanted to trade his pen for my book. 我的同桌想用他的鋼筆換我這本書。
- The old trade in black ivory is on more. 昔日非洲黑奴的買賣已不復存。
- The trade is clogged with restrictions. 貿易因諸多限制而受阻。
- He is in the secondhand car trade. 他是從事二手車買賣的。
- an outlook of trade policies of United States towards China is expected that the United States will never give up its discriminative trade policy; 而且,據現狀看來,美國不會放棄對我國實施歧視性的貿易政策;
- There has been some shrinkage in our export trade. 我們的出口貿易量已有些減少。
- The new tariffs have put a stranglehold on trade. 新的關稅制對開展貿易極為不利。
- The politician cops out on the issue of free trade. 那政客對自由貿易的問題只是一味逃避。
- Britain concluded a trade agreement with China. 英國和中國簽署了貿易協定。
- They are engaged in interior trade. 他們從事國內貿易。
- He has never belonged to a trade union. 他從未加入過工會。
- China does a lot of trade with many countries. 中國和許多國家進行多方面貿易。
- It is not good to trade on another's ignorance. 利用他人的無知是不應該的。
- Trouble is brewing in the trade unions. 工會正醞釀著鬧事。
- Words are the tools of his trade. 言語是他那一行必不可少的工具。
- He started his daughter up in the trade. 他讓女兒從事這一行業。
- The country depends heavily on its tourist trade. 這個國家的經濟在很大程度上依靠其旅遊業。
- Compensation trade is, in fact, a kind of loan. 補償貿易實際上是一種信貸。