- Fibre Channel and ATM allow for these different classes of service. Fibre Channel和ATM允許有這些不同的服務種類。
- Different classes of boats are of different length,width,weight,and even their sails are of different areas. 不同級別的船只有不同的長度、寬度、重量,甚至船帆的面積也不相同。
- Different classes of boats are of different length, width, weight, and even their sails are of different areas. 不同級別的船只有不同的長度、寬度、重量,甚至船帆的面積也不相同。
- This sets the stage for long, fierce battles between different classes of creditor. 因此不同陣營的債權人之間,會進行長期而激烈的角力。
- Adaptors include a diverse group of proteins recognizing different classes of cargo receptor. 接頭蛋白包括能夠識別不同貨物受體的異類蛋白。
- Three different classes of initiators or catalysts and reaction mechanisms for the ring-opening polymerization of lactides are summarized. 本文總結了催化丙交酯開環聚合的3大類催化劑及其反應機理;
- Different classes of anti-hypertensive drugs and /or different dosing schedules would issue different effects on the diurnal rhythm of blood pressure. 不同降壓藥物或不同時間用藥對血壓的晝夜節律產生不同的影響。
- Counting of different classes of white blood cells in bone marrow smears can give pathologists valuable information regarding various cancers. 通過光學顯微鏡估計不同類型、不同成熟階段的血細胞的相對數目對血液病的診斷具有十分重要的意義。
- Companies like Compellent offer storage solutions that are capable of moving data at a block level to different classes of storage as the data ages. Compellent公司提供的存儲的解決方案是在讀取數據時能夠將數據以塊的形式移動到不同類型的存儲上。
- DiffServ has defined numbered classes of QoS, and marks the traffic of different classes with corresponding DiffServ Code Point (DSCP). 區分服務定義了數量有限的服務級別,並用相應的區分服務碼值(DSCP)標識不同級別的業務;
- Long-term, but not short-term, treatment with different classes of antidepressant could stimulate neurogenesis in the hippo-campus remarkably. 長期給予不同種類的抗抑鬱劑可以顯著地促進動物海馬神經元再生。
- In this thesis, we investigate how convex optimization can be used to analyze different classes of nonlinear systems at various scales algorithmically. 進行鋪面結構的力學分析時,一般把鋪面簡化成二維的問題進行分析以減少計算的複雜性。
- Players can pick from a number of different classes of vessel, and customise every single aspect, from hull shape to the quality of crew accommodation. 玩家可以從許許多多等級的飛船中選擇一款,然後個性化飛船的每一個小細節,從船體的形狀到船員住宿條件的優劣。
- Pele was in a class of his own as a footballer. 貝利是舉世無雙的足球健將。
- After the primary XML index has been created, you may want to create secondary XML indexes to speed up different classes of queries within your workload. 創建了主XML索引之後,您可能希望創建輔助XML索引來提高工作負荷中不同種類查詢的速度。
- The remarkable fruits have been made: the improvements on Graphplan including CGP, SGP, the different class of universal plan via model checking. 在這方面已取得的重要成果有:基於圖規劃所做的一系列改進如CGP、SGP,基於模型檢測方法生成各種通用規劃等。
- Results: For antipsychotics of the first and second generation different ADR-profiles were found as well for different classes of antidepressants and mood stabilizers. 結果:第一代和第二代抗精神病藥物被發現有不同的ADR表現,對不同種類的抗抑鬱劑和心境穩定劑也有同樣發現。
- He took the ninth position in his class of forty. 他在40 個人的班級里排在第九名。
- This page concludes this lesson. The next lesson will focus on the mechanics of subnetting. The first page covers the different classes of IP addresses. 本頁結束本課。下一課程將焦點在子網的機制,第一頁涵蓋IP位址的不同分級。
- Moreover, average ash and sulfur content and calori-fic value of different classes of the steam coakwere also calculated and the distribu-tion charts were drawn. 此外,還對各類動力煤的平均灰分、硫分和發熱量進行了計算並繪出了其分布圖。