"they had planned to derail the trains that carried atomic waste"
run off or leave the rails;
"the train derailed because a cow was standing on the tracks"
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
But too much devoted too early to any one technology could yield the wrong fix and derail momentum toward a sustainable agenda for decarbonization. 但是過早投入過多精力在任何一項技術上,未必能找出適合的解決之道,反而可能阻礙脫碳議題的持續推展。
The move could derail Chrysler's plans for a swift exit from bankruptcy proceedings.T L reports. 這一決定大大阻礙了克萊斯勒走出破產保護程序的步伐。
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
The market's job is to derail the systems traders. 市場工作就是讓系統交易者出軌。