- Net book value without spec. Dep. And current dep. 沒有特別折舊和當前折舊的帳面凈值。
- Clean the depilation part adn dry. 使用前先用清水清洗需脫毛部位,擦乾。
- Star Grass Color Photo Enlargement Dep. 星星草彩擴部。
- Tailor the depilation wax paper into appropriate size. 將脫毛蠟紙剪成合適大小。
- Read the introduction of depilation and show you how to use it. 閱讀女士脫毛器的說明書,然後教你怎麼用。
- In truth, 3) depilation would hardly aid his road speed. 事實上,脫毛對於他提高騎行速度幾乎沒有什麼幫助。
- Shenyang Intitute of Engineering International Education Dep. 瀋陽工程學院國際教育部。
- How can I prevent DEP from closing a program I trust? 如何防止DEP關閉信任的程序?
- If DEP keeps closing the same program, is my computer under attack? 如果DEP一直關閉同一個程序,則我的計算機會受到攻擊嗎?
- Teaching Messager of the Campus Teaching Affairs Dep. 校教學信息員。
- DEP automatically monitors essential Windows programs and services. DEP會自動監視基本的Windows程序和服務。
- Is it safe to run a program again if DEP has closed it? 如果DEP已關閉程序,再次運行該程序是否安全?
- Be responsible for implementation lean production in QA Dep. 負責在本部門推行精益生產模式。
- Any depilation cream have more or less side-effect, use carefully please! 使用脫毛膏會不會有副作用?
- To increase DEP protection, see Change Data Execution Prevention settings. 若要增強DEP保護,請參閱更改數據執行保護設置。
- In this case, the program might not run correctly when DEP is turned on. 在這種情況下,該程序可能在DEP啟用時沒有正常運行。
- To turn off DEP for a program, see Change Data Execution Prevention settings. 若要關閉某個程序的DEP,請參閱更改數據執行保護設置。
- Conclusion:Sleep Deprivation Provocation Test can obviously elevate masculine rate on EEG of epil children. 結論:剝奪睡眠誘發試驗能明顯提高癲癇兒童腦電圖陽性率。