- The company creates the space displaying one"s talent for each employee, arouse the enthusiasm of staff maximumly, exert his latent energy. 公司為每位員工創造施展才華的空間,最大限度地調動員工的積極性,發揮他的潛能。
- Bob 's talent is not to be named on the same day with carl's . 鮑勃的才能與卡爾的才能不可同日而語。
- This example is designed to be simple and easy to follow and to demonstrate one of the most common ways a business object interacts with an ObjectDataSource control. 此示例的設計簡單、易用,它演示了業務對象與ObjectDataSource控制項之間最常見的交互方式之一。
- She didn\'t doubt her daughter\'s talent but worried that an acting career wouldn\'t be easy for a young Latina. 倒不是懷疑女兒的天分不夠,而是耽心就年輕的拉丁女子而言,演戲這條路可不好走。
- In this workshop, the artists will introduce the process of their work.The choreographer will demonstrate one part of work and leading participant how to move the body. 在這個工作坊中,創作者將解說創作過程,親身示範舞作的精華片段,並進一步帶領學員身體力行。
- Everyone recognized BSB's talents from the start. BSB的音樂才能從他們一出道就獲得了廣泛的認可。
- With older daughter Solsky the family's quiet cheerleader Jesse and Priscilla look to parlay 「P-Star』s」 talent into victory for the whole family. 不可否認,父女二人實現了自己的夢想,但是面對各種利益關係,年幼的普里西拉卻在苦苦掙扎,她根本不知道該去信任誰。
- Can you demonstrate one lesson? 能否示範一下?
- For this poem show a true love of greatness. selflessness. sagaciousness. gentilesse. and it moves me deepily. so I really appreciate the author's talent. 因為這首詩反映了一種博大.;無私
- This tax inspector was demonstrating one of the most common of human frailties. 這位稽查員,顯露出一種最常見到的人性的弱點。
- DIBI's talent service platform provides made-to-measure talent service including career assessment, career planning, career experiencing and job placement services. 戴爾特的人才平台更是能夠為學生提供貼身的職業評測、職業規劃、職業體驗及就業服務。
- With Ms S's talents and good tool, the photos turn out very well. 有拍照才華,又有好的相機,拍出來的相當然不同。
- All past experience has demonstrated one point: ideological struggle must hit the mark. 歷來的經驗說明一條:思想鬥爭必須中肯。
- The following code example demonstrates one of the Show methods when handling the ComboBox.DropDown event. 下面的代碼示例演示處理ComboBox.;DropDown事件時的Show方法之一。
- Finally gas-masked and helmeted police charged into the crowd to drag off the demonstrators one by one. 最後瓦斯-戴假面具的和頭盔狀的警察進入群眾之內指控一點之前離開示範者拖拉一。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優秀的跨欄選手之一。
- A special answer depending on or demonstrating one or more reasons why a suit should be delayed, dismissed, or barred in equity law. 答辯:依據或表明公正的法律案件應被推遲、駁回或阻止的一個或多個原因的特定的回答。
- I admit she 's talented in many ways. but being a professional singer is really a long shot. 我承認她在許多方面都很有才能,不過要當一個職業歌手實在是不太可能。
- In Omani homes across the sultanate, frankincense is indispensable to the ritual of demonstrating one's hospitality to visiting guests. 在伊斯蘭世界阿曼的家庭里,乳香在歡迎賓客的儀式上是不可或缺的。
- He was asked to demonstrate his talent to Japan. 他應邀去日本獻藝。