- The factory is in great demand of steel to keep up production. 那個工廠需要大量鋼鐵以維持生產。
- They went on strike Monday in demand of a 30 percent wage increase. 他們於星期一舉行罷工,要求增加百分之三十工資。
- The court will be adjourned for an hour according to the demand of the defense. 根據被告及其辯護律師的要求,法庭將休庭一小時。
- It was an organic demand of his being. 這是他生來固有的慾望。
- Our production can't meet the demand of the market. 我們的產品不能滿足市場的需求。
- The product must meet the demand of the market. 產品一定要滿足市場的需求。
- So as to meet the demand of various regions. 所以人們就在這裡用來滿足各地的需要。
- How much should people demand of their governments? 國民對其政府應該要求多少呢?
- We try our best to meet the demand of market. 我們儘力滿足市場需求。
- And it is something we must demand of ourselves. 也是我們必須所具備的品質。
- What is the main demand of innovation? 創新的基本要求是什麼?
- The paper discusses the necessity of off ice automation in library and introduces the software for office automation sys tem of Peking University Library. 本文討論了圖書館辦公自動化的必要性並簡介北京大學圖書館辦公自動化系統的概況。
- Contented intendant and the demand of the consumer. 滿足管理員與用戶的需求。
- It is subject to the demand of the market. 這取決於市場需求/這受市場需求影響。
- They strongly recommended concentration of offer. 他們極力建議集中報盤。
- The company offers his staff a lot of off duty activities. 公司為它的員工提供了很多的業餘活動。
- We do not demand of you more than you can compass. 我們不會要求你做你達不到的事。
- Buyers are worried at the lack of offer. 買主因無報盤而苦惱.
- The model was prais ed for its combination of off and on-road ability, its build quality and residual values, among others. 讚揚該(四驅)模式,是因其公路/越野道路的能力,它的製造質量和剩餘價值,等等。
- Demand of readers has peak value of periodicity. 女性讀者的需求高於男性讀者的需求;