- Within the flower, upon the green velvet stamens, sat a very delicate and graceful little maiden. 但是在這朵花的正中央,在那根綠色的雌蕊上面,坐著一位嬌小的姑娘,她看起來又白嫩,又可愛。
- Burnett wore the magic clothes for this power by her delicate and graceful writing muscle, which could create the miracle. 伯內特用她那優美、細膩、化普通為神奇的文筆,給這些力量穿上了帶有「魔法」色彩的外衣。
- Na Guanghui, if open the peony that must admiring with, natural and graceful is not broken delicate and charming, elegance however contain is worn immensity amorous feelings. 那光輝,如同一朵開得正艷的牡丹,雍容不失嬌艷,典雅卻蘊藏著無邊風情。
- Spend big, natural and graceful luxuriant, design and color is delicate and charming and changeful, flower scent is fragrant, have in the world " The king of cattleya " , " Lan Zhi queen " good name. 花大.;雍容華麗;花色嬌艷多變;花朵芳香馥郁;在國際上有「 洋蘭之王 」
- She is delicate and pretty in person. 她長得嬌柔美麗。
- He is easy in conversation and graceful in manner. 他談吐從容,舉止優雅。
- She has a strikingly elegant and graceful bearing. 她風采動人。
- The dancer was light and graceful. 舞者的舞姿輕盈優美
- The delicate and tasteful workmanship. 那就是做工精細,美觀大方。
- His dance movements are vigorous and graceful. 他的舞姿雄健優美。
- Hot, delicate and sexy to every detail. 她的每一個細節都濃烈、致而性感。
- How delicate and bright the hair is ! 多麼柔軟光亮的皮毛啊!
- The dancers were all tall and graceful. 這些舞蹈演員都個子高高的,動作十分優雅。
- Elegant and distingue! Delicate and charming! 它,雍容華貴,嬌艷動人。
- And graceful fickle in the colorful lights. 七彩燈下婀娜的身姿。
- Her mother is a delicate and gentile dark woman. 她母親膚色淺黑,是位談吐優雅的基督徒。
- Her performance looks so relaxed and graceful. 她的表演看起來非常輕鬆、優美。
- This style is beautiful and graceful. 這種樣式既美觀又大方。
- Snowflake, facile and graceful from sky. 雪花,在天空中飄落下來。
- The lady of small waist is elegant and graceful. 這位女士柳腰裊裊,美麗嫵媚。