Keeping clean is a safeguard against disease. 保持清潔是抵禦疾病的防護措施。
They made an alliance against the common enemy. 他們聯合起來抵禦共同的敵人。
Meanwhile, Ally and Georgia defend a woman suing for the right to marry a convicted felon with a life sentence. 與此同時,艾莉和歌莉亞正為一個女子申辯,爭取權利慾跟一名已被判終生監禁的囚犯結婚。
The tragically-dead child already has no ability to explain or defend himself, so these teachers can say whatever they want. 慘死的孩子已經沒有任何解釋和申辯的能力,這幾個老師愛怎麼說就可以怎麼說。