vt. 使挫敗,使落空 win a victory over; stop (hopes, aims, etc.) from becoming reality
n. (名詞)
[U]戰勝,挫敗 the act of defeating
[U][C]戰敗,失敗 the act of state of being defeated
an unsuccessful ending to a struggle or contest;
"it was a narrow defeat"
"the army's only defeat"
"they suffered a convincing licking"
the feeling that accompanies an experience of being thwarted in attaining your goals
win a victory over;
"You must overcome all difficulties"
"defeat your enemies"
"He overcame his shyness"
"He overcame his infirmity"
"Her anger got the better of her and she blew up"
thwart the passage of;
"kill a motion"
"he shot down the student's proposal"
用作名詞 (n.)
He was depressed by his defeat. 失敗讓他沮喪。
This defeat was a powerful blow to the enemy. 這次失敗是對敵人的有力的打擊。
The news of army's defeat cast a gloom over the town. 軍隊敗北的消息給小城蒙上了一層憂鬱。
They are still wailing over their defeat. 他們仍在為比賽失利而悲嘆。
It was a sound strategy to defeat the enemy. 那是戰勝敵人的良策。
The naval captain defeated Napoleon in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805, and stopped him from invading England. 這位海軍將領在1805年的特拉法格海戰中擊敗了拿破崙的軍隊,從而阻止了他入侵英國。