Declaring an element involves associating a name with a data type. 聲明元素涉及將名稱與數據類型相關聯。
Methods of the base class can be overridden by declaring a new method with the same signature as the new class method. 基類的方法可以通過聲明與新的類方法具有相同簽名的新方法來進行重寫。
The banner fell, declaring that the high-speed railway's Taichung Station was officially open. 粉紅色的布幔緩緩下降,宣告台中高鐵站正式啟用。
We ask that they would be bold in declaring what is just and clear in uncovering what is unjust. 祈求他們能放膽宣告什麽是公義,並完全揭露什麽是不公義的。