- Breast infections occur during lactation. 乳房感染髮生於授乳期。
- Excessive flow of milk from the breasts during lactation. 乳汁過多在哺乳期從乳房流出過多的乳汁
- The failure of a sow to produce milk during lactation is termed agalactia. 母豬在哺乳期不能產奶叫做無乳症。
- Cancers arising during lactation are treated in a conventional manner after suppression of lactation. 哺乳期乳癌在哺乳結束后,按常規進行治療。
- It is the principle that the children during lactation shall be brought up by their mother after the divorce of the parents. 離婚後,哺乳期內的子女,以隨哺乳的母親撫養為原則。
- The more feed a sow consumes during lactation, the better the normally rebreed and the larger litter they will farrow. 一頭母豬在哺乳期間會消耗更多的飼料,正常情況下多次喂料他們將產出更大的胎兒。
- The women will receive 5,000 IUs of vitamin D3 during gestation and 7,000 IUs during lactation. 這名女性將在孕期被注入5,000國際單位的維生素D3,在哺乳期將被注入7,000國際單位。
- The effect of dietary protein and supplemental lysine during lactation on the performance of primiparous sow and nursing piglets was studied. 摘要:本試驗旨在探討飼料蛋白質含量和離胺酸補充對泌乳期間初產母豬和仔豬性能之影響。
- Some H1-receptor antagonists can be secreted in breast milk, so cautions should be paid to the use of these drugs in women during lactation. 一些H1受體拮抗劑可以從婦女的乳汁中分泌出來,故哺乳期婦女應慎重選擇此類藥物。
- Results: The antibiotic instruction booklets were not standard in their instructions in the medication for the old,children,pregnant women and during lactation,and pharmacokinetics. 結果:抗菌藥物說明書在老年用藥、細菌耐藥性、兒童用藥、藥物過量、孕婦及哺乳期用藥、葯代動力學等方面不規範。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 這種小麥可以在寒冷的春天生長。
- excessive flow of milk from the breasts during lactation 在哺乳期從乳房流出過多的乳汁
- After her operation she suffered from general debility. 她在手術后感到全身虛弱。
- One should not run about aimlessly during an alert. 空襲警報期間不可到處亂跑。
- During the intermission, let's go out for some fresh air. 幕間休息時,我們出去呼吸呼吸新鮮空氣吧。
- The liner ran down a fishing-boat during the dense fog. 班輪在濃霧中撞沉了一隻漁船。
- I really wanted to slap her during the meeting. 在開會的時候我真想賞她一巴掌。
- The bears den up together during the winter. 冬天熊一起在洞穴里冬眠。
- Loss or lack of bodily strength;weakness;debility. 虛弱喪失或缺乏體力;軟弱;無力
- I always get the fidgets during long meetings. 會議開得長我就坐不住了。