- Skin atrophy affects cuticular, derma and subcutaneous tissue. 皮膚萎縮波及表皮、真皮和皮下組織。
- Commonly bacterium of gules and cuticular tinea waits. 常見的有紅色表皮癬菌等。
- We know, skin cent reachs subcutaneous tissue for cuticular, derma 3 parts. 我們都知道,皮膚分為表皮、真皮及皮下組織三部分。
- Conclusions After phenol chemical peeling,the melansomes in cuticular layer cells decrease... 結論雀斑化學剝脫術后,表皮層細胞黑色素顆粒數量明顯減少,雀斑消失;
- Title: Cuticular penetration and desensitivity of GABAA receptor in abamectin resistant Plutella xylostella L. 關鍵詞:小菜蛾;阿維菌素;抗藥性;表皮穿透作用;GABAA受體
- Cuticular cell organization and embedded material call the skin to protect wet orgnaization jointly. 表皮細胞組織與內含物質共同稱為皮膚保濕機構。
- Cuticular epidermis and loose connective tis-sue(J)and gill(K)of artificially infectedProcamburas clarkii. 人工注射感染克氏原螯蝦的角化上皮和疏鬆結締組織(H)、鰓(I)。
- The cuticular analysis of leaf compression fossils has been an important subject in paleobotany all through. 載有氣孔的葉角質層,包含著植物與其生活環境之間關係的重要數據(McElwain et al.
- It can penetrate deep into cuticular layer to thoroughly eliminate the grease and dirt inside pores. 獨有三重美白精華,層層深入,凈白膚色,令肌膚時刻保持白皙明亮、晶瑩剔透。
- The cuticular wax layer of plants is the outmost structure and provides a protective barrier, which consists predominantly of long-chain hydrocarbon compounds. 摘要蠟質是植物與外部環境的界面,對植物具有重要的生物學意義。
- Results Cuticular papillates, glandular hairs, peltate scales, and non-glandular hairs presented on the leaf epidermis of C. paliurus. 結果青錢柳葉表皮有許多小乳突,腺毛,盾狀鱗片和非腺毛表皮毛;
- Vinson S B, Law P K, 1971. Cuticular composition and DDT resistance in the tobacco budworm. J. Econ. Entomol., 64:1 387. [吳益東;沈晉良;譚福傑;尤子平;1995.;棉鈴蟲對氰戊菊酯抗性機理研究
- There are a large number of serrate cuticular processes on antennal surface, especially on the middle and basic parts of antenna. 在觸角表面存在表皮隆起結構 ,特別是在中部和基部 ,表皮隆起形成了明顯的三角棱形刺狀結構。
- When organic acid cannot outside seasonable eduction body when, can erode sensitive cuticular cell, make the skin is lost exquisite with flexibility. 當有機酸不能及時排出體外時,就會侵蝕敏感的表皮細胞,使皮膚失去細膩和彈性。
- As identical as clean face truth, paper of oil absorption face absorbs float to be in when need only cuticular grease is OK. 與潔面道理相同,吸油麵紙只在需要的時候吸取浮在表皮的油脂就可以了。
- Li Zhenlu said that these virus can only in the cuticular layer survival, not affect the visceral organ, most leaves behind a scar. 李振魯說,這些病毒只能在表皮層生存,不會影響內臟器官,「最多留下個疤」。
- Because scabies mite parasitism is in,scabies is a kind of when human body skin causes inside cuticular layer chronic contagion. 疥瘡是由於疥蟎寄生在人體皮膚表皮層內所引起的一種慢性傳染病。
- Plants synthesize a wide vatiety of lipids,including membrane lipids, cuticular waxes and seed storage lipids (mostiy triacylglycerols). 植物合成多種多樣的脂類化合物,包括膜脂,角質層蠟質,種子脂肪酸(大多數為甘油三酸脂)。
- Antheral wall is formed by the cuticular layer, fiber layer, layer intermediate and layer of felt of cloth with soft nap. 花藥的壁由表皮層.;纖維層
- Have some of part among them in fact, like hormone and medicaments, truly can infiltration skin, and other most part can infiltration is cuticular. 事實上其中有些成分、像激素和藥物,確能滲入皮膚,而其他大多數成分只能滲入表皮。