- Some emporiums begin to ponder to make the figure 8 in the commodities' price to cater to the customers' psychology. 一些商場為了迎合顧客的心理,在商品的價格上,也開始動8的腦筋。
- The Shanghai business dwell upon customer psychology already to 「seizes every opportunity」 the situation. 上海商家仔細研究顧客心理已到了「無孔不入」的地步。
- The theory of subliminal demand is based on customer psychology research, consumption research and design research. 潛在需求理論是建立在消費者心理研究、消費研究和設計學研究基礎上的。
- I am always interested in psychology. 我一直對心理學感興趣。
- I can't understand that man's psychology. 我無法理解那個人的心理。
- The custom impound the whole cargo. 海關沒收了全部的船貨。
- I had done my possible to satisfy the customers. 我已經盡了最大的努力以使顧客滿意。
- She had an undergraduate degree in psychology. 她有心理學的學士學位。
- I want them to do away with this feudal custom. 我希望他們廢除這一封建陋俗。
- He has obtained a degree in psychology. 他已在心理學方面獲得學位。
- Honest merchants do not do in their customers. 誠實的商人不欺騙他們的顧客。
- The keypoint of doing the customer service well is with the insight of customer psychological activities. 對客戶心理活動的洞察力是做好客戶服務工作的關鍵所在。
- Many customers spoke for these new products. 很多顧客訂購了這些新產品。
- We need some male subjects for a psychology experiment. 我們需要幾個男子作心理學實驗對象。
- As soon as I get through custom I jump into a taxi. 我一通過海關就跳進了一輛計程車。
- Custom formality is carried out on the quayside. 海關手續是在碼頭區辦理的。
- There were many customers visited our company. 有許多客戶參觀了我們公司。
- They distributed leaflets to customers. 他們給客戶散發傳單。
- A salesman's job is to seek out customers. 推銷員的工作是尋求顧客。
- We offer a personal service to our customers. 我們為 顧客提供個人服務。