- Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. 憐憫江河涌流不斷,迫我不斷來歌詠。
- There are calls for the case to be retried. 該案有必要重審。
- They were prompt to respond to our call for help. 他們對我們的求助迅即回應。
- The chairman attempted to call for order, but he was shouted down. 主席試圖維持會場的秩序,但他的聲音被喧鬧聲所壓倒。
- I tilted the cup to drink out of it. 我斜起杯子以便喝裡面的水。
- The baseballer flaunt his cup to his friends. 那名棒球選手向他的朋友炫耀他的獎盃。
- There is no call for us to adjust the price. 我們無需調整價格。
- The situation calls for prompt action. 形勢所迫,必須立即採取行動。
- He present a silver cup to the winner. 他把銀杯頒給了獲勝者。
- He Bought himself a Big villa for song. 他幾乎分文不花就買了一幢大別墅。
- Can you tell him to make a call for me? 你能告訴他給我打個電話嗎?
- One of the most significant transitions at the Minster facility, which is still ongoing, is a move from preformed polystyrene cups to cups thermoformed on site. 一個最重要的過渡設施的大教堂,這是仍在進行之中,是一個從預製聚苯乙烯杯子到兩杯熱的網站。
- The mayor presented a silver cup to the winner. 市長把銀杯授予了獲勝者。
- The job calls for nicety of judgment. 這一工作要求判斷準確。
- One of the divisions of a golf course, from tee to cup. 路線從高爾夫球座到球洞的一段
- The job calls for technical skill. 做這項工作需要專門技術。
- Add 1/2 teaspoon per cup to cosmetic oils. 加半茶匙入一杯水中作美容油之用。
- The plan calls for a round sum of money. 這個計劃需要一筆很可觀的錢。
- The baseballer show his cup to his friends. 那名棒球選手向他的朋友炫耀他的獎盃。
- The occasion calls for a cool head. 在這樣情況下需要有冷靜的頭腦。