- Accelerated recovery: Recovery of currency used in lending operations subject to maintenance of value. 加速回收(貨幣):貸款業務中為保值而採用的貨幣回收方式。
- Deferred recovery: Recovery of currency used in lending operations subject to maintenance of value. 延期回收:在貸款業務中為保值而進行的貨幣回收。1
- Reserve operations [lending program] Lending operations on which initial preparation is being undertaken but which have not been appraised. 備用項目[貸款規劃]準備工作剛剛開始而尚未作評估的項目。
- Pufa Bank, the Shenzhen Development Bank, China Everbright Bank and other commercial approach to lending operations have also made varying degrees of adjustment. 浦發銀行、深發展銀行、光大等商業銀行對貸款業務的辦法也作出了不同程度的調整。
- Clayton's lending operation, though not damaged by the performance of its borrowers, is nevertheless threatened by an element of the credit crisis. Clayton的貸款業務儘管沒有被借款人所破壞,然而卻被另一個信貸危機的元素所威脅。
- I never lend books; you never get them back. 我的書決不外借,因為總是有去無回。
- What about lending me some money? 借點錢給我如何?
- He talked me into lending him money. 他說服我借給他錢。
- Lend me your typewriter, please. 請把你的打字機借我用一下。
- He beguiled me into lending him my bicycle. 他騙我把自行車借給了他。
- He's very stingy about lending money. 他非常吝嗇,不願借錢給別人。
- I'd be glad to lend you the money. 我很樂意借給你錢。
- The field of operations has been staked out. 軍事演習的區域已經劃定。
- Would you please lend me your pencil? 請把鉛筆借給我用用好嗎?
- Could you possibly lend me 10 dollars? 你能借給我十美元嗎?
- I can't possibly lend you so much money. 我沒有可能借給你這麽多錢。
- I say, old thing, can you lend me a cigarette? 喂,老兄,你能借我一支雪茄煙嗎?
- The film about eye operations turned my stomach. 這部眼科手術的影片看得我噁心極了。
- Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays. 現在激光可以用來做手術。
- John! Lend a hand with this table, will you? 約翰,幫幫忙,搬一下桌子好嗎?