- The oppidan of Guiyang city nowadays can " the cultivate land on the net " . 貴陽市的城裡人如今能夠「網上種地」。
- We transformed the wilderness into cultivated land. 我們變荒原為耕地。
- We saw fields and cultivated land everywhere. 我們看見到處是田疇和耕地。
- "You are not cast iron, how dense is hard fatheaded to pace of this cultivate land! 「你不是生鐵,怎麼頑硬愚鈍到這種地步!
- We have a vast expanse of cultivated land. 我們有大片的耕地。
- It is a pity to let this cultivated land lie idle. 這些耕地丟荒了,真讓人可惜。
- For we can neither employ them in Handicraft, or Agriculture; we neither build Houses, (I mean in the Country) nor cultivate Land. 因為我們既不能雇他們從事手工業,也不可能雇他們從事農業;我們不建造房屋(我指的是在農村),也不用開拓耕地。
- Room area exceeds 100 square metre, had better not choose material of face of one cultivate land, prevent harmful material overlay to cause pollution. 房間面積超過100平方米的,最好不要選擇一種地面材料,防止有害物質疊加造成污染。
- Farmer people must stare at cultivate land of close oppidan table, this already was current agriculture adds the crucial question that receive. 農民們必須盯緊城裡人餐桌種地,這已是當前農業增收的要害問題。
- We not deal, rely on cultivate land to paper a mouth only, must plant work laboriously one year very reluctantly the commissariat that come out sells, go paying liverwort. 我們又不做生意,只靠種地糊口,不得不忍痛把辛辛勞苦一年種出來的糧食賣掉,去支付地錢。
- The child is in the home without giving thought to in the future cultivate land, still go out work, get learn to read, if analphabetic, how to change poor condition? 孩子將來不管在家種地,還是外出打工,都得識字,若是文盲,怎麼改變貧困狀況啊?
- This has provided valuable data for extension of cultivable land. 這樣就提供了有關擴大可耕地面積的寶貴數據。
- Surveyors are measuring the size of the cultivated land. 測量人員正在測量這片耕地的地積。
- The soil texture of this cultivated land is extremely good. 這幾畝耕田的土質極好。
- The hilly area accounts for a third of the county's cultivated land. 丘陵地佔該縣耕地面積的三分之一。
- While China has plenty of cultivable land, it does not have a lot of water. 儘管中國有大量耕地,但灌溉水資源不足。
- The area of cultivable land assarted by them recently went up to 5000 hectres. 他們新開墾的耕地面積達五千公頃。
- Acts of unlawful appropriation of cultivated land or misuse of land shall be prohibited. 禁止亂佔耕地和濫用土地的行為。
- Good results were achieved in projects for reforesting formerly cultivated land and protecting natural forests. 退耕還林和天然林保護工程建設取得成效。
- The proportion of the area of various cash crops to the cultivated land rose from 27.6 percent in 2000 to 35 percent. 各類經濟作物佔耕地面積的比重由上年的27.;6%25上升到35%25。