- This has provided valuable data for extension of cultivable land. 這樣就提供了有關擴大可耕地面積的寶貴數據。
- While China has plenty of cultivable land, it does not have a lot of water. 儘管中國有大量耕地,但灌溉水資源不足。
- The area of cultivable land assarted by them recently went up to 5000 hectres. 他們新開墾的耕地面積達五千公頃。
- We transformed the wilderness into cultivated land. 我們變荒原為耕地。
- We saw fields and cultivated land everywhere. 我們看見到處是田疇和耕地。
- At the same time, the world's available cultivable land per person is declining. 與此同時,世界人均耕地正在減少。
- We have a vast expanse of cultivated land. 我們有大片的耕地。
- It is a pity to let this cultivated land lie idle. 這些耕地丟荒了,真讓人可惜。
- Take the analysis of the peasants" behavior in the cultivable land transfer process. 第三部分.農戶參與農地流轉的行為過程分析。
- The stock of cultivable land in industrial countries is more or less fixed, so excess demand resulting from high farm prices and incomes will tend to bid up land rent. 工業國可耕地的數量或多或少是固定的,因此高的農場價格和農業高收入所造成的過度需求將會抬高地租。
- In this paper, the author puts forward the measures to protect the cultivable land in the course of urbanization in the western ... 本文在論述城鎮化建設與農田資源保護的矛盾現狀基礎之上,試圖提出西部地區城鎮化建設中相應的農田資源保護對策。
- As the mainstream of modern economy, city plays a critical role for economic development, but it also has to take up much resources of cultivable land. 城鎮作為現代經濟生活的主載體,對經濟發展的作用巨大,然而城鎮的建設與發展又是要佔用大量農田資源。
- Recently,one research from FAO indicate that the cultivable land reduce increasingly meanwhile there is population explosion of world. 聯合國糧家組織最近進行的一項調查表明:世界人口正急劇增加;而世界可耕地數目卻日益減少.
- Recently the survey made by Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN indedicated that the population in the world is leaping, but the cultivable land is increasingly reduceing. 聯合國糧食組織最近進行的一項調查:世界人口正急劇增加;而世界可耕地數目卻日益減少.
- The stock of cultivable land in industrial countries is more or less fixed, so excess demand resulting from high farm prices and incomes will td to bid up land rent. 工業國可耕地的數量或多或少是固定的,因此高的農場價格和農業高收入所造成的過度需求將會抬高地租。
- Surveyors are measuring the size of the cultivated land. 測量人員正在測量這片耕地的地積。
- The soil texture of this cultivated land is extremely good. 這幾畝耕田的土質極好。
- China today center on maintaining sustained economic growth and feeding its growing population of over 1.2 billion people with only seven percent of the world's cultivable land . 現在,中國面臨的兩大挑戰是保持持續的經濟增長和靠世界上僅僅百分之七的可耕地養活仍在增長的12億人口。
- The two major challenges facing China today center on maintaining sustained economic growth and feeding its growing population of over 1.2 billion people with only seven percent of the world's cultivable land . 現在,中國面臨的兩大挑戰是保持持續的經濟增長和靠世界上僅僅百分之七的可耕地養活仍在增長的12億人口。
- The hilly area accounts for a third of the county's cultivated land. 丘陵地佔該縣耕地面積的三分之一。