- The baby was crying with hunger. 嬰兒在哭,因為他餓了。
- The boy was crying with the toy broken. 玩具破了,那男孩在哭。
- Anna was almost crying with frustration. 安娜沮喪得幾乎要哭了。
- She was crying with vexation and shock. 她正在因煩惱和震驚而哭泣。
- I could not help crying with pain. 我痛得忍不住大叫起來。
- Cry with one eye and laugh with the other. 口不應心。
- Its efforts, and climbing, and cry with. 它努力著,攀登著,吶喊著。
- Laic cry with celebrity handclasp " insinuate " . 凡人與名人握手叫「巴結」。
- She cried with grief when she heard news of her friend's death. 聽到朋友死亡的消息,她難過地哭了。
- An abrupt attack of vomiting usually ushers in this disease, along with irritability, general weakness, and discomfort. 此病常以嘔吐突然發作為先兆,伴有激動、全身無力及不適。
- Smiling with tears is better than crying with regret. 帶淚的微笑總比遺憾的哭泣好。
- Lath lath deficiency of yin with irritability, often enrage little blood, photograph fire easily excited. 瘦人陰虛,常氣少血,相火易於亢奮。
- Sid snuffled a bit and Mary went off crying with all her heart. 希德有點抽鼻子,瑪麗卻是大哭著走的。
- Apply to the insomnious disease of in relief excessive of deficiency of yin with irritability. 適用於陰虛陽亢之失眠症。
- The rich widow cries with one eye and rejoices with the other. 有錢的寡婦一隻眼睛在哭,一隻眼睛在笑。
- "Now, Melly, I shall cry with vexation if you argue with me. "怎麼,媚蘭,你再這樣跟我爭下去,我可要氣哭了。
- Honked the horn with irritation at the delay. 因對遲延惱怒而按喇叭
- Cry with laugh at which kind of means more facilitate abreact mood? 哭與笑哪一種方式更便於發泄情緒?
- In the Victorian Age corsets were all the cry with women. 維多利亞時代,緊身衣在婦女間很流行。
- Amah Liu glanced with irritation of her face. 柳媽不耐煩的看著她的臉。