- He is cruel and tyrannical. 他既冷酷又殘暴。
- That outrageously cruel and tyrannical nation claims everything for itself, makes everything dependent on its will and pleasure. they think it right to dictate with whom we are to make war or peace. 它劃定界限,以我們不得逾越的山脈河流把我們封鎖起來,而它卻不遵守自己規定的界限。它還說,不得越過伊比利亞半島,不得干預薩貢廷人;
- In fairy stories, the ogre is cruel and eats people. 在神話故事中,魔鬼很殘忍而且吃人。
- I think you're very harsh and tyrannical. 我看你太嚴酷,太霸道了。
- That big-bellied fellow was very cruel and greedy. 那個大腹便便的傢伙既貪婪又殘惡。
- In fairy stories, the ogre is cruel and eatspeople. 在神話故事中,魔鬼很殘忍而且吃人。
- Torturing animals for fun is cruel and inhuman. 因為好玩而虐待動物是殘忍而沒人性的行為。
- They punished people in a cruel and inhuman manner. 他們慘無人道地懲罰他人。
- His cruel and callous comments made me shiver. 他殘酷無情的批評令我膽寒。
- Savagery is extremely cruel and violent behaviour. 野蠻荒涼的狀態兇猛;殘忍野蠻人;
- Oh, of course, I was exacting and tyrannical and unkind. 啊!當然,我苛刻,專橫,粗暴。
- Now I know how cruel and inhumane I was! 現在想想,自己做得多殘忍,簡直慘無人道。
- He's so arbitrary and tyrannical that no one wants to work for him. 他那麼專橫跋扈,沒人願意為他工作。
- We regard many of these practices as cruel and inhuman. 我們認為這些措施中有很多是殘忍和野蠻的。
- They grasp bow and spear; They are cruel and have no mercy. 42他們拿弓和槍,性情殘忍,毫無憐憫。
- The quality of being cruel and causing tension or annoyance. 殘酷或讓人產生煩惱的性質。
- In the third part, we find a lost, cruel and greedy Kurtz. 在第三部分中,我們可以看到一個迷失,殘暴以及貪婪的庫爾茲。
- Parat, was indicted for cruel and inhumane treatment. 帕瑞特先生因為以殘酷、非人道的方式對待他人而被控告。
- Some Americans think abortion is very cruel and against humanity. 一些美國人認為墮胎是很殘忍的,沒有人道。
- You know how inefficient and tyrannical government bureaucracies are. 你知道官僚主義政府多麼無能,多麼專橫。