- I wanted off at the cross road, but was refused. 我想在十字路口下車可不準。
- Keep going right on till the next cross road. 一直走,走到下一個十字路口。
- I wanted off at the cross road,but was refused. 我想在十字路口下車可不準。
- They measured noses at the cross road. 他們在十字路口相遇。
- If you happen to pass by 84 charing cross road. 你們若恰好路過查令十字街84號,
- A seriesof accidents hasoccurred at that cross roads. 在那個十字路口發生了一連串的事故。
- The number of males who reported that they did not cross roads was 3. 報稱不過馬路的男性人數是3。
- Indiana calls itself "the cross roads of America", a motto justly deserved. 印地安納州自稱為「美國的交通要道」,這話十分貼切。
- If you happen to pass by 84 Charing Cross Road, kiss it for me. 如果你正巧經過查令十字街84號;能否為我吻它?我欠它的實在太多了.
- If you happen to pass by 84, Charing Cross Road, kiss it for me. I owe...... 我沒有惡意,只是...覺得好玩兒)評論:查令十字街84號
- You are a novice car driver. Let's steer clear of the circular cross road. 你剛學會開車, 咱們繞開環形交叉路走。
- Now we reach the cross roads, where we either move to our correct path, or reach another impasse. 現在我們到了十字路口,要麼走向正確道路,要麼進入另一條死胡同。
- If you happen to pass by 84 Charling Cross Road, kiss it for me! I owe it so much. 如果你碰巧經過查令十字街84號,煩勞你替我親吻它一下,我欠它的實在太多了。
- A small, shabby-looking inn on Charing Cross Road, London, sandwiched between a big book shop and a record store. 破釜酒吧,倫敦查令十字街上一家小小的,看起來十分破敗的酒吧,被一家大書店和一家唱片店緊緊夾在中間。
- Absorbed in his walking, Old Shuan was startled when he saw the cross road lying distantly ahead of him. 老栓正在專心走路,忽然吃了一驚,遠遠地看見一丁字街,明明白白橫著。
- Passing through Almirida you will reach another cross road on your left that drives you to Plaka - Kokkino Horio. 停車:有可能在附近的地點的免費公用停車。
- If you happen to pass by 84 Charing Cross Road, kiss it for me! I owe it so much. 你們若恰好路經查令十字街官場女人小說84號,代我獻上一吻,我虧欠它良多!
- Darwin: chickens, over great periods of time, have been naturally selected in such a way that they are now genetically dipositioned to cross road. 達爾文:經過長期的進化,自然選擇使小雞現在具備了穿過馬路的物種特性。
- The roads merge a kilometre ahead. 這兩條道路在前面一公處匯合成一條大道。
- Two days later, around the cross road near the Grand Hotel, riot police intentionally beat a cameraman from FTV news network. 兩天之後(11月6日)在圓山飯店附近的路口,鎮暴警察蓄意毆打一名民視新聞台的攝影記者。