- Besides, simulation results indicate that corona onset voltage tends to be saturated when height above ground and diameter increase further. 模擬計算還表明,隨著對地高度和母線直徑的進一步增加,母線起暈電壓呈現出飽和的趨勢。
- In addition, the influence of altitude on corona onset voltage of busbar is also discussed, and altitude correction method used in the project is suggested in this paper. 文中還針對海拔對管母線起暈電壓的影響進行了討論,給出了工程適用的海拔校正方法。
- The effect of permittivity of solid dielectrics, volume ratio of solid dielectrics, discharge gap, voltage polarity and voltage type on breakdown voltage and corona onset voltage is studied. 研究了非均勻電場中的靜態模擬氣固兩相體放電的擊穿、起暈特性及固相物介電常數、占空比、放電間隙、電壓極性和種類對擊穿電壓與起暈電壓的影響。
- Measurements and Analysis of Corona Onset Voltage of HVDC Test Line and Ion Current Density at Ground Level 高壓直流輸電試驗線路的電暈起始電壓及地面離子流的測量與分析
- Experiment on the Corona Onset Voltage and Breakdown Voltage of Simulative Static Two-Phase Mixture of Gas and Solid in Non-Uniform Electric Field 靜態模擬氣固兩相體起暈和擊穿的實驗研究
- made it (病痛等)好轉;達到預定目標;及時抵達;走完路程
- The double-layer devices (ITO/PEDOT/Polymer/Ba/Al) were fabricated. They held low onset voltage (about 4 V). The peaks of electroluminescence (EL) were 494 and 604 nm, and then their maximum brightness values were 598 cd? 應用旋轉塗膜的方法製作Pa和Pc的雙層器件(ITO/PEDOT/Polymer/Ba/Al),電致發光波長分別為494和604nm,器件均具有較低的啟動電壓(4V左右),分別在24和15V時達到最大亮度598和203cd?
- critical corona voltage 臨界電暈電壓
- Test results show that the corona's onset and breakdown voltage both rise with increasing OD of the nozzle. 結果表明:噴嘴外徑增大,起暈電壓和擊穿電壓升高。
- He met many difficulties at the first onset. 在一開始時,他遇到了許多困難。
- The attainment or onset of puberty. 到達青春期或青春期開始
- She is a very discerning art critic. 她是位眼光敏銳的藝術評論家。
- I think the chastisement to him is too critical. 我認為對他的懲罰太嚴厲了。
- Our troops withstood the onset of the enemy. 我們的部隊抵擋住了敵人的進攻。
- The inquiry was critical of her work. 該項調查對她的工作提出了批評。
- He went to see a doctor at the onset of a fever. 他開始發燒時便去看醫生了。
- The reform is at its critical stage now. 改革正處於關鍵階段。
- Its voltage has not been exceeded. 它的電壓沒有超過。
- Her performance won her much critical acclaim. 她的表演大獲評論界讚頌。