- The Criminal Justice Reforms of Japan --"Legalization" of the Society or "Socialization" of the Law? 日本的刑事司法改革--社會的"法化"還是法的"社會化"?
- Criminal justice reform in Europe 歐洲刑事司法改革
- Criminology and Criminal Justice M.A. 犯罪學與司法學。
- Case attrition is a major factor in the criminal justice system. 訴訟案件的消除是刑事司法制度的一個重要方面。
- While reform of our criminal justice system does not offer a complete solution,it is an essential part of any solution. The system is riddled with loopholes and technicalities that render punishment neither swift nor certain. 雖然改革我們的刑法制度並非徹底解決辦法,可是這是任何解決辦法不可缺少的一部分。這個制度充滿技術問題,使得懲罰既不迅速也有漏洞。
- In criminal justice, punishment should be more important than rehabilitation. 從司法公正角度講,懲罰比改造更重要。
- Cregg Barak.Media,Criminal Justice and Mass Culture,Monsey[M].New York,1999. 劉斌:媒體必須介入司法活動[N];中華工商時報;2005-10-09.
- While reform of our criminal justice system does not offer a complete solution, it is an essential part of any solution. The system is riddled with loopholes and technicalities that render punishment neither swift nor certain. 雖然改革我們的刑法制度並非徹底解決辦法,可是這是任何解決辦法不可缺少的一部分。這個制度充滿技術問題,使得懲罰既不迅速也有漏洞。
- The Interim Report on Civil Justice Reform was published on 21 November 2001 for consultation. 工作小組於2001年11月21日發表關於民事司法制度改革的《中期報告》,向公眾諮詢意見。
- The Forensic Science Division of the Government Laboratory provides a specialist scientific service to the criminal justice system in Hong Kong. 政府化驗所轄下的法證事務部為本港的刑事司法制度,提供專業的科學鑒定服務。
- The article argues that in China,analysing from constitution system,history culture and justice reform,prosecutorial power is legal supervision power. 在司法改革的背景下,從中國憲政體制和歷史文化角度分析我國的檢察權是法律監督權。
- The Agreement also envisaged a wide-ranging review of the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland. 該協定還保證,在北愛爾蘭建立一個廣泛的刑事司法審查制度。
- It is believed that the impact of DNA evidence on the criminal justice system is evident. 人們相信DNA證據對刑事司法體系的影響是顯而易見的。
- Ben majored in Criminal Justice at Virginia Union. He says he will consider law school when his playing career is over. Ben在弗吉尼亞州大學就讀刑事司法專業,他說等他球員生涯結束的時候肯定會去法律學校就讀。
- The Civil Justice Reform Interim Report and Consultative Paper mentioned that one of the targets of the reform was to reduce legal costs in respect of civil proceedings. 民事司法制度改革中期報告及諮詢文件提到改革的目標之一,是減少民事訴訟的費用。
- Although the bonding profession has an unsavory reputation, these businesspeople of criminal justice facilitate court operations. 儘管保釋職業名譽不好,但是刑事司法中的這些商人有助於法院的工作。
- The article argues that in China, analysing from constitution system, history culture and justice reform, prosecutorial power is legal supervision power. 在司法改革的背景下,從中國憲政體制和歷史文化角度分析我國的檢察權是法律監督權。
- The proliferation of expert witnesses is a remarkable development in the criminal justice system. 專家證人的迅速擴大是刑事司法制度的一個顯著發展。
- The establishment of International Criminal Court (ICC) is a great leap forward in international criminal justice. 摘要國際刑事法院的建立是國際刑事司法的重大進展。
- The important part that the justice reformed is the supervision system. 司法改革的重要方面是司法監督機制的改革。