In most bicep exercises, you either do both arms at the same time, or the non-working arm is resting while the working arm is in motion. 從你的手肘部位開始,兩手握著啞鈴,曲臂使啞鈴處於向上的方向以做一個標準的肱二頭肌訓練。
A pedal is pivotally secured to the pivot link and includes an arm. 踏板可轉動地固定於轉動連桿上,並包括一個臂。
A study of the dynamic stability of an eccentric slider crank mechanism with elastic effects at both joints of the coupler is presented. 討論了連桿接頭處具有彈性效應的偏心曲柄滑塊機構的動態穩定性。