- The exhibits in the hall covered and contained everything. 大廳里的展品真可說包羅萬象。
- And the 'Dharma' is the inherence, which exists everywhere and contains everything. 而『法』就是無所不在無所不容的內在。
- Now it has many kinds of forces, scores of different particles, and contains everything from stars and galaxies to dandelions, elephants and the poems of Keats. 現在有很多種力,很多種微粒,並且包含各種東西:從恆星星繫到蒲公英,大象和濟慈的詩。
- Every country has dabbled in exploitation at one time or another, but Italy』s contributions cover the entire spectrum that the term 「exploitation」 covers and contain many of the genre』s highpoints. 在電影活動之餘,葵經常幫助智也排解戀愛上的煩惱,兩人成了無話不談的好朋友。而不知不覺間,葵與智也的關係超越了友誼變得微妙起來。
- The deer broke cover and ran across the open ground. 鹿從隱藏處突然出來,跑著穿過開闊地。
- The platoon broke cover and headed down the road. 一群人從暗處走出來,沿著大路前進
- PAPER JAM, OPEN COVER AND CLEAR PAPER. 紙張在印表機中卡住。打開蓋並清除卡住的紙張。
- One day she slipped off the cover and looked in. 有一天,她推開了瓮蓋,想看個究竟。
- Start with hard cover and color sheets. 首先您看到的是精裝硬封皮和彩頁。
- Open the back cover and load the film. 打開后蓋裝膠捲。
- Soil sampling kits contain everything you need for basic soil sampling. 土壤取樣工具包包含所有基本的土壤取樣工具。
- Remove rocker arm cover and ventilator hose (A). 卸開搖臂桿蓋和通風管(A)。
- Cover and refrigerate 3 to 4 hours. 蓋好放入冰箱3-4小時。
- Cretonne can be used for furniture covers and curtains. 印花棉布能被用來做傢具套和窗帘。
- Insulation on transformer cover and partition. 可用於電壓器的覆蓋和隔層不導電用途。
- The room was small and contained far too much furniture. 房間太小,而傢俱太多。
- Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. 蓋上蓋子並冷藏至上桌前。
- Cover and refrigerate overnight. 蓋上保鮮膜后隔夜冷藏。
- Turn to coat, then cover and simmer for 10 minutes. 蓋上鍋蓋,小火燉煮大概10分鐘。
- Rotate the security cover and lever up. 旋轉安全蓋;將其往上掀起.