- n. 課程;講座;過程;路線;一道(菜)
- v. 跑過,穿過;追趕;快跑
- 課程,學科
- 進程,過程,經過
- 路線,方針
- 一道菜
- 跑道
- 航向,航線
- 習慣的程序
- 方向,行動方向
- 場地
- 【建】層,一層磚石
- 路程
- 療程
- 跑過,穿過,越過
- 追逐,追趕,趕,追
- 追獵,獵狩,獵,追捕,跟蹤
- 橫斷(原野)
- 快跑,跑,奔,快速移動
- 不住地淌,如泉涌,嘩嘩地流,(液體)快速地流動
- 決定航線,指引航線
- 沿…(方向)前進
- 與獵犬一起追獵,狩獵
- 參加馬上比武
- [C]課程,學程 series of lessons, lectures
- [U]進程,過程 forward movement in time
- [C]途徑,方法 direction or route following by a ship or an aircraft or by a river
- [C]一道菜 any of the separate parts of a meal, e.g. soup, dessert
education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings;
"he took a course in basket weaving"
"flirting is not unknown in college classes"
a connected series of events or actions or developments;
"the government took a firm course"
"historians can only point out those lines for which evidence is available"
general line of orientation;
"the river takes a southern course"
"the northeastern trend of the coast"
a mode of action;
"if you persist in that course you will surely fail"
"once a nation is embarked on a course of action it becomes extremely difficult for any retraction to take place"
a line or route along which something travels or moves;
"the hurricane demolished houses in its path"
"the track of an animal"
"the course of the river"
a body of students who are taught together;
"early morning classes are always sleepy"
part of a meal served at one time;
"she prepared a three course meal"
(construction) a layer of masonry;
"a course of bricks"
facility consisting of a circumscribed area of land or water laid out for a sport;
"the course had only nine holes"
"the course was less than a mile"
as might be expected;
"naturally, the lawyer sent us a huge bill"
move swiftly through or over;
"ships coursing the Atlantic"
move along, of liquids;
"Water flowed into the cave"
"the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi"
hunt with hounds;
"He often courses hares"
- She took a course in philosophy.
她選讀了一門哲學課程。 - She is taking a secretarial course.
她正在上文秘課程。 - Television has arranged an English teaching course lately.
電視台最近開設了英語講座。 - Events took their natural course.
事態依自然進程發展。 - We shall now describe the course of this change.
現在我們就來說明這種變化的過程。 - They came to dispute in the course of conversation.
他們在談話過程中爭論起來。 - Our course was straight to the north.
我們是朝正北方向航行。 - Fish was the last course that day.
那天, 魚是最後一道菜。
- (as) a matter of course
理所當然的事,自然地 naturally
- in course of
正在…中 under the specified process
- in due course
到一定的時候,沒過多久 on the right time
- in ordinary course
在一般情況下,通常 as things usually happen, normally
- in the course of
在…期間,在…過程中 during or before the end of
- in the course of time〔the year〕
隨著時間〔歲月〕的推移,漸漸 when time has passed
- of course
當然,自然 certainly;naturally
- on course
按規定的方向,在正確的軌道上 on right way
- take〔run〕 its〔their〕 course
聽其自然,按常規進行 develop as is usual
- take one's own course
為所欲為,一意孤行 have one's way
- advance the course 推進進程
- affect the course 影響進程
- change course 改變路線〔航向〕
- complete a course 修完一門課程
- decide upon a course 決定路線〔行動方向〕
- drop a course 放棄一門課程
- follow a course 採用一條路線
- forecast the future course 預言今後的進程
- hold to one's course 抱定宗旨,堅持方針
- illuminate a course 照耀道路
- offer a course 開設一門課程
- run its course 自然發展,按常規進行
- shape one's course 制定方針,決定做法
- stay the course 堅持到底
- trace the course of 探索…的途徑
- alternative course 可選擇的路線
- future course 今後的進程
- middle course 中間路線
- natural course 必由之路
- normal course 正軌,常規
- prescribed course 規定的路線,預定方針
- regular course 常規,常規程序
- usual course 通常的程序
- whole course 全過程
- winding course 曲折的路線
- zigzag course 之字形的路線,彎曲的路線
- in course of 在…過程中
- off course 離開了規定的航線
- on course 沿著航線
- within the course of a few days 幾天以內
- course of construction 建造過程
- course of nature 自然規律
They slackened their course.
出自: S. Johnson -
The rain courses in cart-ruts down the deep mud lane.
出自: P. Larkin