- I do not mean to offend the Earth god, but I use its image as a metaphor to mock at the corrupting bureaucrat culture. 來聽聽如何透過土地公傳達一些意象來調侃官僚文化。
- The multi-layered corrupt bureaucrats abuse the power at hand to accumulate large fortunes by stealing state property,by supporting organized crime,and by bullying honest people. 大大小小的腐敗官僚濫用手中的職權,通過盜竊國家財產,支持有組織的犯罪活動和欺負老實人等手段聚積了大量錢財。
- The multi-layered corrupt bureaucrats abuse the power at hand to accumulate large fortunes by stealing state property, by supporting organized crime, and by bullying honest people. 大大小小的腐敗官僚濫用手中的職權,通過盜竊國家財產,支持有組織的犯罪活動和欺負老實人等手段聚積了大量錢財。
- A four-to-seven-year-old does as much paperwork as any bureaucrat. 一個四至七歲的孩子所做的書面作業和任何一個官僚所做的一樣多。
- A filthy, disgusting, or morally corrupt place. 藏污納垢的地方骯髒的、令人噁心或道德敗壞的場所
- Corrupt officials milked the common people dry. 貪官污吏搜刮盡了民脂民膏。
- The corrupt official was removed from office. 這個貪官被罷了職。
- A high government official or bureaucrat. 官員職位較高的政府官員或官僚
- The islanders here speak a corrupt form of French. 這兒的島民講一種不標準的法語。
- She wrote a book declaiming against our corrupt society. 她寫了一本書抨擊我們這腐敗的社會。
- I suppose my application have been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat. 我估計我的申請書不知道讓哪個無能的官僚給弄丟了。
- I suppose my application has been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat. 我估計我的申請書不知道讓哪個無能的官僚給弄丟了。
- The corrupt police chief turned a blind eye to the open gambling in the town. 這個受賄的警察局長對鎮上的公開賭博佯裝不見。
- The manuscript is so corrupt that parts of it make no sense at all. 這稿子由於訛誤太多,以致有的部分意義不明。
- His corrupt activities were a discredit to the Senate. 他的腐敗行徑是參議院的恥辱。
- He defines bureaucrat as a desk-bound employee. 他把那些坐辦公室的人稱之為官僚。
- The corrupt judge dismissed the case without a hearing. 腐敗的法官沒有聽審就駁回了這個案子。
- The peasants rose in rebellion against the corrupt officials. 農民們造貪官污吏的反。
- He was just another faceless bureaucrat. 他只不過是一個典型呆板的官員。