Detect Ventricular Late Potentials Using Filter Bank and Correlation Method. 應用濾波器組相關法去噪以檢測心室晚電位。
During the corner feature match operation, the initial matching points are determined by region gray level correlation calculation with removing mean value normalization method. 在角點特徵匹配過程中,利用去均值歸一化相關法進行區域灰度相關運算,從而確定出初始匹配點對。
Finite element method is used in the study of nozzle damping of instable combustion in a solid rocket motor. 應用有限單元法研究固體火箭發動機不穩定燃燒中的噴管阻尼,並用波衰減對比法進行了試驗研究。
In current language teaching, particularly vocabulary teaching, one of the moot frequently used ways is to use the grammar-translation method. 摘要外語實踐教學中的辭彙層面最常見的方法就是利用翻譯對比法講解意義。