- Experimental Study on Emission of LPG Engine and Vehicle with Electronic Multi-point Continuous Injection System LPG多點連續電噴發動機及車輛的排放試驗研究
- Continuous injection to control foam in water, brine, crude oil and condensate. 用於連續投加來控制淡水、鹹水、原油和凝聚油中的泡沫。
- Water injection system is one of the five systems in oilfield. 油田注水系統是油田地面工程的五大系統之一。
- Spraying or continuous injection to control foam in water, brine or water based drilling fluid. 用於連續投加來控制淡水、鹹水或水基鑽井液。
- The demoulding system, inject system and temperature control system were established. 設計了螺紋脫模機構、澆注系統和溫度控制系統。
- Continuous injection of ultramicro water in deep skin forms protective filmon skin surface,realizing deep moistening . 為肌膚深層源源不斷注入水分能力,在肌膚表面形成滋潤保護膜、深層保濕。
- The design of its molding part was used in the mold,inject system and other make up,and working process of the mould are specified in detail. 詳細地敘述了模具成形零件的設計、液壓側抽芯機構、澆注系統和其他結構的設計過程,以及模具工作過程。
- We continuously inject a tracer into a point in a steadily moving fluid. 我們連續地將一種示蹤物注入某穩定運動流體中之一點。
- High rigidity of the injection system enables high speed and high pressure which are necessary for precise molding. 高剛性讓高速、高壓成為可能,為成型高精密製品提供保證。
- Overdrive Injection Systems give a velocity bonus only. 超載噴注系統只對速度加成。
- Revamping on medium speed coal mill for BF pulverized coal injection system of Ji'nan Iron and Steel Co. 濟鋼高爐噴煤系統中速磨的改造。
- Among the engine's features are the Twin-Scroll turbocharger and the high-pressure direct petrol injection system. 其中發動機的特點是雙渦旋增壓器和高壓將汽油直噴系統。
- Based on Changan Ford Mendeo car, an advanced mutil-sequential injection system was introduced. 摘要在長安福特蒙迪歐汽油車的基礎上,匹配了先進的閉環電控多點順序噴射燃氣系統。
- Then the paper make use of HTDSYM software of AVL to set up the model of fuel injection system. 首先,本文利用AVL公司的HTDSYM軟體建立該柴油機燃油噴射系統的數值模型;
- In order to improve the efficacy and safety,we modified the ECF regimen into the EOF_5 regimen in which we substitute oxaliplatin for cisplatin and change the way of delivery of 5Fu from continuous injection of 5-FU for 21days to 5 days. 因此,我們以奧沙利鉑取代ECF方案中的順鉑,將5-FU持續滴注21天改為5天,組成EOF5方案,用於晚期胃癌的治療,以期提高療效及安全性。
- There are characteristics, such as low control voltage, facility and so on, by using electrokinetic injection system. 其中採用的電動進樣控制系統,具有控制電壓低,控制靈活等特點。
- For continuous injection of AZL for 3 days once a day, initial injection of 1. 5 mg/ml or 3. 0 mg/ml AZI had no vascular irritation (P>0. 05) , but on the second and third day, intravenous injection of 6. 0 mg/ml had vascular irritation (P<0. 01). 連續給葯3d(1次/d);第2、3天6.;0mg/ml組刺激性評分與NS組比較;差異有顯著性意義(P<0
- The steam injection system is subject to sudden steam increasing in a refinery coker unit. 某煉廠焦化爐注蒸汽控制系統不能正常運行,注汽量突增造成爐管出口溫度大的反向響應。
- For the testability experimental validation of serial bus,a fault injection system is designed and implement. 針對串列匯流排的測試性試驗驗證,設計與實現了一個故障注入系統。
- The development of hardware controller of common rail injection system using CPLD is produced. 主要介紹了基於CPLD的柴油機高壓共軌燃油控制系統的硬體開發。