- Management Countermeasures against Construction Noise Pollution in the Nighttime 關於建築施工夜間作業雜訊污染管理的對策
- The noise pollution reached a high decibel level. 噪音污染達到了很高分貝。
- Noise pollution does harm to people's health. 嗓音污染有害於人體健康。
- We must abate the noise pollution in our city. 我們必須消除我們城裡的噪音污染。
- Noise pollution is at its worst in densely populated areas. 在人口密集的地區噪音污染的影響最糟。
- Most of the cities were affected by light noise pollution. 多數城市受到輕度雜訊污染。
- During the construction process, to take the necessary measures to reduce noise pollution, and waste on site for proper disposal. 在施工過程中,採取必要的措施降低雜訊污染,並對施工現場的廢棄物妥善處置。
- He wants to live in a small town free from noise pollution. 他想住在一個沒有噪音污染的小鎮。
- The paper analyzes noise pollution trend in the course of architecture construction,and brings forward idiographic countermeasure. 本文對烏魯木齊市建築施工雜訊污染趨勢進行分析,並提出具有針對性的對策和措施。
- Noise pollution and trash problem are always troubling us. 噪音污染和垃圾問題一直困擾著我們。
- Noise pollution, for instance, is an extension of air pollution. 比如,噪音污染,便是空氣污染的一種延伸。
- Noise pollution has gravely affected people's health. 雜訊污染嚴重影響人的身體健康。
- Construction noise is also a particular concern for residents living near redevelopment or new development sites. 此外,在重建區或新發展區,對附近居民來說,建築噪音也是特別令人關注的問題。
- As the construction pace of the highway is strengthened, the impact of noise pollution of the highway traffic on resident along the line is there upon aggravation too. 摘要隨著公路建設步伐加大,公路交通雜訊污染對沿線居民的影響也隨之加劇。
- Nor was there any public debate about the construction of Beijing's third runway, notwithstanding the noise pollution already suffered by thousands of nearby residents. 同樣,首都機場第三條跑到的建設也沒有經過任何公共辯論,儘管機場周邊居民已經在飽受雜訊污染了。
- The conditions of a Construction Noise Permit for the carrying out of percussive piling are subject to appeal. 如對用以進行撞擊式打樁工程的建築噪音許可證的條件不滿,可提出上訴。
- Construction noise in a compact city like Hong Kong can be a significant problem. 香港人煙稠密,建築噪音無疑是一個重大的問題。
- There are substantial fines for exceeding permitted levels of noise pollution. 雜訊超過標準要課以重罰。
- Each of these categories is controlled by means of a system of Construction Noise Permits, as described below. 這兩類工程噪音均透過簽發建築噪音許可證的制度來管制,詳情如下。