- Don't try to duck out your duty of paying taxes. 別企圖逃避納稅的義務。
- It's unlawful to try to duckout of paying taxes. 逃稅是犯法的。
- It's unlawful to try to duck out of paying taxes. 逃稅是犯法的。
- If you go on trying to get out of paying taxes, you'll sooner or later get into trouble. 你要是繼續想方設法逃稅,你早晚會受到懲罰的。
- The moral consciousness of a country. 一個國家的道德觀念。
- This paper discusses on the programming of paying tax and obtaining tax revenue benefit for construction enterprise. 本文就施工企業如何做好稅收籌劃,獲得節稅收益,談幾點粗淺的看法。
- Upon receipt of the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person issued by the company registration authority, the company can engrave seals, open an account with a bank and apply for registration of paying taxes. 公司憑公司登記機關核發的《企業法人營業執照》刻制印章,開立銀行賬戶,申請納稅登記。
- An important means for enterprises to boast their achievements and escape duties of paying taxes is to take advantage of the chink of accountancy check policy to make the false sign of abundant selling or manipulate the scale of the income from sales. 利用會計核算政策縫隙製造虛假銷售跡象或操縱銷售收入規模,是企業虛誇業績與逃避納稅責任的重要手段;
- About the net inn should deny the contention of pay taxes, criterion only then in July 2007 China " the net hands in easy dodge a tax the first case " adjudge. 關於網店應否納稅的爭論,則始於2007年7月中國「網上交易逃稅第一案」的宣判。
- Additionally, consisting with the transaction mode of e-commerce and the digitization of paying tax, taxation levying and auditing are suggested to be consequently re-constructed. 本研究所得之結論為電子商務交易應課徵營業稅及所得稅,此外,為適應電子商務交易的交易模式,主要的付款行為已數位化,所以課徵的方法、查緝的技術,均必須設法改弦易轍。
- Must you for me pay taxes to your reward? 你必須為我付給你的報酬而交稅嗎?
- The law obliges us to pay taxes. 法律使我們負有納稅的義務。
- The eternal consciousness of our own existence. 這個自我覺悟存在永恆的觀念。
- They evade paying taxes by living abroad. 他們住在國外以逃避交稅。
- The strikers cried for a raise of pay. 罷工的人要求提高工資。
- Austen's consciousness of women is realistic. 奧斯丁在作品中以女性的角度,關注女性的主體意識時代特點。
- But I feel no consciousness of guilt. 但我並不覺得自己有罪。
- He had a consciousness of being watched. 他意識到自己受監視。
- The rate of pay was built into her contract. 工資率已寫進了她的合同。
- We should wait without the consciousness of time. 我們要沒有時間意識地去等待。