- Some intrepid individuals were still prepared to make the journey. 某些無畏的人仍然準備作此旅行。
- He decided to make the journey to Dunhuang, and it was rather difficult. 他決定去敦煌旅遊,但旅途會很艱難。
- Please follow these rules to make the journey of your life a journey of joy! 快樂人生之二十個法則!
- It rests with you to make the next move. 下一步怎麼辦就取決於你了。
- A kind of plastic stuff is used to make the plates. 這些盤子是用一種塑料製造的。
- This passage is also long, so there are two Agility shortcuts to make the journey shorter. 這個段落也是長的,那麼那裡是使旅途更短的二條敏捷性捷徑。
- It took a bit of pressure to make the lid close. 要稍按一下才能把蓋子蓋緊。
- It was reserved for him to make the admirable discovery. 那項令人讚賞的發現註定由他完成。
- We all laugh. We all make mistakes. We all dream. That's life. It's a journey. Please follow these rules to make the journey of your life, a journey of joy! 我們都會放聲大笑。我們都會傷害別人。我們都會犯錯誤。我們都擁有夢想。這就是生活。它是一次旅行。那就請你遵循這些原則,讓你的生活旅途充滿歡樂吧!
- In order to make the journey of life more exciting and enjoyable, you need a loving and caring person with whom you can share your values, dreams, fantasies, joys and jokes. 一個有愛心的,關懷的愛侶,能使你更好的享受愛情的精彩,"Ta"會與你一起探討價值觀,探討夢想,一起做白日夢,一起分享歡樂,一起開玩笑。
- Various metals are used to make the parts of this machine. 這部機器的零件是用多種金屬製造的。
- The first thing he does after getting up is to make the bed. 他起床后的第一件事就是整理床鋪。
- The net result of tax changes was to make the rich even richer. 稅制改革的最後結果是使有錢的人更有錢。
- Two widths of cloth were joined to make the curtain. 是用兩幅布料拼成的這個帘子。
- I'm too tired to made the scene; let's go home. 我太累了不能出席了,讓我們回家吧。
- I do wish he wouldn't condescend to the junior staff in his department. 我但願他不要假惺惺地紆尊降貴接近部門裡的低級員工。
- Measures were taken to made the nonproductive expenses remain down. 已採取措施以不使非生產性開支增加。
- Put a chimney on the stove to make the fire draw. 把火拔一拔。
- It proved worthwhile to make the trip. 此行證明是值得的。
- He pulled on the oars to make the boat go faster. 他用力划槳使船行得更快。