This trap is suitable for low temperature accompanying heat line pipe and working condition which needs low temperature to discharge frozen water. 該閥適用於低溫伴熱管線和需要低溫排除凝結水的工況。
In this papen,the charactoristics of the density's observable change of the high temperature saturated water which is full flowing in the climbing water pipe are analysed. 本文分析了高溫飽和水在滿管流動的爬高過程中,其密度發生明顯變化的動態機理,利用此動態特性,就實現低壓高溫凝結水無泵回收的可能性進行分析討論。
As an example, the heating and irrigating effects of condenser water carried by subsurface porous pipes have been calculated with this model. 作為一個算例,還用該模型對利用地下多孔埋管引入冷凝水來加熱與灌溉土壤的效果進行了數值模擬。
Reclaiming and utilizing of steam condensation water is an important measure of saving energy and environment protection in chemical fibre plant. 蒸汽冷凝水回收是節能和環保的一項重要措施。