- You have the right of action for arbitration. 您有權提出仲裁起訴。
- A personal right of action dies with the person. 一項基於人身的訴權隨著權利人的死亡而消失。
- The subject matter of action is the controversy on the right of subrogation. 保險人代位求償權的有無是保險代位求償之訴的訴訟標的。
- Failure by OV to take action against any Distributor for breach of the agreement shall not be a waiver of its right of action in the future. 倘直銷商違反本協議書任何條款,而本公司未有根據本公司協議書條款要求其履約,並不表示機匯已放棄日後要求履行之權利。
- The necessity and possibility of application of the limitation of action for right of claim for real is nonexistent. 無論在必要性還是可能性方面,物上請求權均不適用訴訟時效。
- And the making of an Award shall be a condition precedent to any right of action against China Communications Insurance. 在公斷人未作出公斷書之前,被保險人不得對中國交通保險進行起訴。
- An uneasy feeling about the propriety or rightness of a course of action. 憂慮,擔心關於行為過程的適當或正確性的不安的感覺
- Is there a right of way across these fields? 人們有權通過這些田地嗎?
- The engine of the car is out of action. 這輛小汽車的發動機出了故障。
- He was done out of the right of boxing. 他被取消了拳擊比賽資格。
- Mr Powel has marked out a general course of action. 鮑威爾先生已經擬定了一個總的行動計劃。
- There are two different models of pro discretionary right: Continental law with judicial power as the core and Anglo-American law with the right of action as the core. 摘要檢察官的起訴裁量權存在以訴權為核心的英美法系模式和以司法權為核心的大陸法系模式兩種不同的模式。
- It's our right of way at this turning. 在這個拐彎處,我們有優先行駛權。
- The general grew out his plan of action. 將軍草擬了他的行動方案。
- The Normans ruled England by right of conquest. 諾曼人征服了英格蘭成了統治者。
- And then, the thesis, taking the right of action as the thread, jurisprudentially analyses the reasons of the insufficiency of the judicial relief of the vulnerable group. 同時,以訴權為主線,從法理學的高度,分析了對社會弱勢群體司法救濟不力的原因。
- Abstract: According to the relation between the right of action and adjudicative power, the right of action can be divided into procedural right of claim and formation. 摘 要: 以訴訟權利與審判權力的關係為標準,可以將訴訟權利分為程序請求權和程序形成權兩種類型。
- The enemy's machine gun was put out of action. 敵人的機槍被打壞了。
- He inherited his father by right of his primogeniture. 他憑著長子繼承權,繼承了他父親的財產。
- After a bad fall I was out of action for a month. 我在重重地摔了一跤後,有一個月的時間不能行動。