- These cells are built into concentrating collectors that use a lens to focus the sunlight onto the cells. 這些電池被裝入用一種鏡片把陽光聚焦在這些電池上的聚光型集熱器中。
- But because the lenses must be pointed at the sun, the use of concentrating collectors is limited to the sunniest parts of the country. 但是,因為鏡片必須要衝著太陽,使用聚光型集熱器僅限於陽光充足的國家。
- My husband is a stamp collector. 我丈夫是個集郵者。
- A collector of taxes or tribute from the public. 徵收員從公眾那兒收取賦稅或貢物的人
- The stamp collector decided to get that rare stamp at all costs. 這個集郵迷決心無論代價如何都要搞到那枚稀有的郵票。
- The collector bubbled excitedly about his latest discoveries. 那位收藏家興緻勃勃地談他最新的發現。
- The collector made an appraisal of $2000 on the drawing. 收藏家對那幅畫的估價是二千美元。
- A collector of antique cars asked Frank to look out for a 1906 gas head lamp. 一位老式汽車收藏家要弗蘭克留神1906年產的煤氣前燈。
- A collector of rare insects will show us some of his latest discoveries. 一位稀有昆蟲採集家將給我們看一些他的最新發現。
- The collector has acquired a fine collection of impressionist paintings. 這位收藏家收集到大量印象派繪畫。
- The rent collector comes tomorrow, and I've no money; how can I put him off? 收房錢的人明天來,我沒有錢,可我怎樣才能把他支走呢?
- He is concentrating on setting a poem to music. 他正全視貫注地為一首詩歌譜曲。
- The vase turned out to be a collector's item. 這個花瓶成為收藏家所爭取的珍物。
- I was concentrating so hard that I was indifferent to the noise outside. 我思想高度集中,不在乎外面的喧嚷聲。
- He's an unsullied tax collector. 他是一位一身清白的稅務員。
- Troops are concentrating south of the river. 軍隊正向河的南邊集結。
- The debt collector kept dunning her for the rent. 收賬人一直在催逼她繳租金。
- She has been concentrating on her career. 她一直專心致志於她的本職工作。
- He's a tax collector of unsullied reputation. 他是個名聲清白的稅務員。
- I think we are concentrating on usability. 我想我們正把重點放在可用性上。