- Dying for the sins of another person? 為另一個人的罪死?
- Can you urinate in front of another person? 你會在另一個人面前小便么?
- He dittoed the statement and action of another person. 他重複了別人的言行。
- A person who functions as the tool of another person or power. 被人當工具利用的人
- The state of being under the control of another person. 在別人控制之下的狀態。
- Please give me a cheque in favour of another person. 請給我開一張付款給別人的支票。
- A person's association with the qualities, characteristics, or views of another person or group. 認同,有關聯一個人與其他人或人群在品質、特徵或觀念等方面的聯繫
- How much easier, how much more satisfying it is for you who can see to grasp quickly the essential qualities of another person by watching the subtleties of expression, the quiver of a muscle, the flutter of a hand. 對你來說,一個能看見的人,通過觀察微妙的表情---一條肌肉的顫抖、一隻手的擺動,很快地了解另一個人的本質,是多麼容易又多麼令人滿足的事情。
- Most people have heard of suicide, the killing of oneself, or of homicide, the killing of another person. 大多數人都聽過自殺,也就是自己殺死自己,或聽過殺人,也就是殺死別人。
- The act of rubbing against the body of another person, as in a crowd, to attain sexual gratification. 摩擦淫摩擦另一人身體的動作以獲取性快感,如在公共場合
- We were informed by mail of the change in plans. 我們被信告計劃的改變。
- Nurturing means supporting the growth of another person,caring about his or her feelings and wants. 扶持意味著支持對方的發展,照顧對方的感情並關心對方的需要。
- A person's association with the qualities,characteristics,or views of another person or group. 認同,有關聯一個人與其他人或人群在品質、特徵或觀念等方面的聯繫。
- Arrangement where one person or company act on behalf of another person in contractual matter. 一種安排:某一個人或公司在合同事務方面代表另一個人。
- Forging or altering the patent certificate, patent documents or patent application documents of another person. 偽造或者變造他人的專利證書、專利文件或者專利申請文件。
- No man should put the clock back on another.No man should shorten the natural life of another person. 任何人都不應縮短他人的壽命。
- Either in cash or by drawing a cheque in favour of another person will be all right. 或者以現金的形式,或者開一張付款給別人的支票都可以。
- A gesture of greeting,elation,or victory in which one person slaps an upraised palm against that of another person. 保持致意、歡欣或勝利的手勢,即一人拍擊另一人向上舉起的手掌
- The prospect of another war appalled us. 想到有可能發生另一場戰爭,我們不寒而慄。
- One victory came on the neck of another. 勝利接踵而至。