- This restaurant has a fine reputation. 這家餐廳信譽很好。
- The hill commands a fine distant view. 從這座山上可以眺望美麗的遠景。
- Situated on a hill,his house commands a fine view. 因為座落于山上,他的房子可以俯瞰美麗的景色。
- Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to. 給他人一個好名聲,使其與之相配。
- The hotel commands a fine view of the valley. 從這家旅館俯瞰下面的峽谷一覽無餘。
- The thick broad-bean sauce of Sichuan enjoys a fine reputation. 四川的豆瓣兒醬,非常有名。
- His house commanded a fine view of the town. 從他家可以俯瞰鎮上的美景。
- The hill commands a fine prospect. (從) 那座小山可俯瞰一片美景。
- Situated on a hill, his house commands a fine view. 因為座落于山上,他的房子可以俯瞰美麗的景色。
- He got a fine reputation for being generous with his money in helping others. 他因慷慨解囊而獲得好名聲。
- The leading products police car alarm diaphragms(diaphragms), high diaphragms(diaphragms) and high-bass speakers have a fine reputation in the industry. 主導產品警車警報器振膜(音膜)、高音振膜(音膜)、高低音揚聲器在行業中得到較好的口碑。
- The hill commands a fine prospect of the mountain town. 從這座山上可以眺望山城的美景。
- The labour administrative department in charge or relevant departments shall command a correction or a fine. 由勞動行政部門或者有關部門責令改正,可以處以罰款;
- The labour administrative department in charge shall command a correction and a fine. 由勞動行政部門責令改正,處以罰款
- If an employer illegally recruits persons under the age of 16, the labour administrative department in charge shall command a correction and a fine. 用人單位非法招用未滿十六周歲的未成年人的,由勞動行政部門責令改正,處以罰款
- The labour administrative department in charge shall issue a warning and command a correction and impose a fine concurrently. 由勞動行政部門給予警告,責令改正,並可以處以罰款。
- The house commands a fine view,ie A fine view can be seen from it. 從這所房子處可一覽優美景色。
- Our product command a good market both at home and abroad. 我們的產品在國內市場上都很暢銷。
- The house commands a fine view, ie A fine view can be seen from it. 從這所房子處可一覽優美景色。
- That was a fine meal if ever there was one! 那確實是一頓豐盛的飯。