- Once or twice he had seen them come to blows. 有一兩次他看見他們打了起來。
- I come to have a try deciding success or fail. 我來試試看看,成敗在此一舉。
- Once or twice he has seen them come to blows. 有一兩次他看見他們打了起來。
- After quarrelling for a while, they came to blows. 兩個人吵了幾句后就開始動手動腳了。
- Come to the fire and have a warm. 到火這邊來暖和一下。
- Two staffs in one town must come to blows. 一個城鎮兩支巫杖,必定對打以終。
- When wii you come to have a interview. 妳什麼時候可以來面試?
- Mr.Victor came to our classroom to have a talk with us last week. 維克托先生上周來到了我們教室和我們談話。
- We almost came to blows over what colour our new carpet should be. 我們為了用甚麽顏色的新地毯險些打了起來。
- It is a pity if you come to china wihtout have a trip for lasa. 有機會你可以去那兒遊玩,要不你在中國就會留下遺憾的。
- They began to argue,and presently came to blows. 他們爭論起來。不久就動起手來了。
- Unfortunately they came to blows. 不幸地,他們打起架來。
- They began to argue, and presently came to blows. 他們爭論起來。不久就動起手來了。
- They came to blows on the playground. 他們在操場上打了起來。
- They are having a meal when we come to visit. 我們來訪時他們正在吃飯。
- From words the two boys came to blows. 兩個男孩先是發生口角,後來便打起架來。
- They had a lot to come to grips with. 他們有很多事情要處理。
- But let's come to my real life,each of the women I loved or have loved is superwoman. 但是面對我的現實生活,每一個我愛過的女人或愛的女人都是女強人,我也不知道為什麼。
- He has a lot of money coming to him when his uncle dies. 他的叔父死後他承受了一大筆錢。
- I have a fair knowledge of most biological sciences but I have a blind spot when it comes to botany. 我對大多數生物學科尚有了解,可是談到植物學時,我卻一竅不通。