- In addition, you'll want to make sure that food doesn't come off one dish and then stick to another, or accumulate in the bottom of your dishwasher. 另外;您要確保糧食不產一碟;然後再堅持;或積聚在底部你洗碗機.
- One of the buttons has come off my coat. 我上衣上的一顆扣子掉了。
- come off one's perchv. 不再驕傲自大
- Come off your perch!We've seen you through. 別裝模作樣了!我們已看透了你。
- The speaker got off one or two very amusing jokes. 發言者講了一兩個很有趣的笑話。
- The old sailor reeled off one story after another. 老海員滔滔不絕地講了一個又一個故事。
- If you keep rubbing, the paint will come off. 你再多擦擦顏色就能掉了。
- The tennis finals will come off tomorrow. 網球決賽將於明天舉行。
- Come off the grass ; it' s damp. 離開草地,那兒潮濕。
- These stains won't come off, I'm afraid. 我看,這些污點去不掉。
- Modesty sets off one, newly come to honor. 謙虛裝點人,榮譽再刷新。
- He ripped off one end of the envelope and pulled out the letter. 他撕開信封的一端,抽出裡面的信件。
- Did your proposed trip to Rome ever come off? 你提出的到羅馬旅行,後來去了嗎?
- A button has come off your coat. 你上衣掉了一粒鈕扣。
- Paul has just come off sentry duty. 保羅剛退哨。
- One of the buttons on my jacket has come off. 我的上衣掉了一粒紐扣。
- The practice of playing off one great power against another is not new. 挑撥一個強國對抗另一個強國並不是什麼新的手法。
- When will the sports meeting come off? 什麼時候舉行運動會?
- He came off the bike but nothing serious happened. 他從自行車上摔下來,但沒有出什麼事。
- One of the pedals has come off my bicycle. 我那自行車的踏腳板有一個已脫落了。