- A recent theory of gene control by Britten and Davidson (1969) gives a possible explanation of such observation. 最近Britten和Davidson(1969)提出的基因調控學說可能解釋這些觀察的結果。
- The hypothesis of "Histone code" suggests an existing way of program information of eukaryotic gene control. 摘要「組蛋白編碼」假說提示了真核生物基因調控的程序性信息的存在方式。
- The growth inhibitory rate was 48.2%(P<0.01). The significant decrease in expression of ERK2 and ras proteins was detected in the experimental group compared with the reporter gene control group and control group. 與陰性對照組和報告基因對照組相比;實驗組ERK2和ras蛋白的表達量明顯減少(P<0.;01)。
- Living creature gene control oil ice crystal 生物基因控油冰晶
- CRABS CLAW(CRC) is a key gene controlling the carpel development of Arabidopsis thaliana,encoding a transcription factor which belongs to MADS family. CRABS CLAW(CRC)是控制擬南芥心皮發育的主要基因之一;屬MADS box基因家族中的成員.
- Instead, genes control growing rules -- embryological developmental processes -- or in Biomorph Land, drawing algorithms. 相反,基因控制的是發展規則--胚胎髮育過程--或者在『生物形態王國』里,就是繪圖演算法規則。」
- The sterile was trail stable and expressed a genetic feature of single recessive gene controlled nucleus sterility.Conclusion The appe... 結果不育材料花粉敗育徹底,不育性狀表現穩定,呈現出由隱性單基因控制的核不育的遺傳特點。
- Thus, INHA may be a major gene controlling the prolificacy of goat, and allele G is positively correlated with litter size. 結果顯示: INHA可能是影響山羊產羔數性狀的一個主效基因, G等位基因可能與高產性狀呈正相關。
- Molecular Cloning and Procaryote Expression of KIT Gene Controlling Dominant White Coat Color in Alpacas(Lama pacos)[J]. 引用該論文 張巧靈;姜俊兵;賀俊平;范瑞文;耿建軍;赫曉燕;董常生.
- Cytoplasmic gene control of resistance 胞質基因控制的抗藥性
- Nuclear gene control of resistance 細胞核基因控制的抗藥性
- The results showed as follows: in Am3, there is a single recessive gene controlling the resistance to leaf rust race DHD; in Am4, theresistance gene is suppressed by the D genome. 結果表明Am3對葉鏽菌生理小種DHD的抗性系由1對隱性基因控制:Am4中由於存在來自DD染色體組的抑制作用,其對葉鏽菌生理小種DHD的抗病基因被抑制了。
- A study of nearly 1000 pairs of identical and non-identical twins found genes control half the personality traits that make people happy while factors such as relationships, health and careers are responsible for the rest of our well-being. 一項對近千對同卵及異卵雙胞胎開展的研究發現,在快樂的性格特徵中,有一半是由基因控制的,而另一部分則受到人際關係、健康、職業等因素的影響。
- If key genes controlling the networking of brain cells don't come into action in the womb, no drug or gene therapy procedure will be able to correctly rewire the brain later. 如果控制腦部神經細胞的重要基因在胎兒在子宮中時就不能正常工作的話,任何藥物或基因療法都不能使其腦功能恢復正常。
- Today thousands of researchers are hard at work deciphering the myriad ways that genes control the development and functioning of organisms.All those genes are written in the medium that is DNA. 今天有成千上萬的研究人員,努力想要了解基因控制生物體發育與運作的各種方法,而這些基因就都寫在DNA里。
- This is a combinatorial problem in canonical form. 這是組合論中的典型問題。
- We supposed the genes controlling the aubergine leaf character as the HH, and got its heredity model. 我們假定控制紫紅葉性狀的基因為HH,並進行了其遺傳模式的推導。
- Work out the area of the combinatorial figure. 求組合圖形的面積。
- In addition to the reduced germ size, os gene also caused dramatic decrease of oil content in the germ as well asin the whole kernel, so it can be regarded as a major gene controlling corn oil content. os基因除縮小種胚體積之外,也顯著地降低胚中的含油量以及整個子粒的含油量,所以可視為控制玉米子粒含油量的一個主效基因。
- Some genes controlling other genes which in turn might control still others was the same tangled web of arrows of influence pointing in every direction in his vision book. 某些基因控制著其它基因,反過來,其它基因也可能控制另外一些基因,其影響正如他那本幻想的書中指向一切方向的錯綜複雜的箭頭網一樣。