- Go to beauty parlour how does mole collect fees probably? ? ? 去美容院去痣大概怎麼收費???
- Edit malapropos code, adjust collect fees inconsequently policy is imperative. 修訂不合時宜的法規,調整不合理的收費政策勢在必行。
- Prohibit breaking the law to Lin Nong collect fees, amerce, prohibit undertaking to Lin Nong apportion is mixed collect money compulsively. 禁止向林農違法收費、罰款,禁止向林農進行攤派和強制集資。
- Can pass phone or self-help opportunity, convenient and safe, do not collect fees. 可通過電話或自助機;方便且安全;不收費.
- Article 48 Port animal and plant quarantine offices shall collect fees, according to relevant regulations, for performing quarantine inspection. 第四十八條 口岸動植物檢疫機關實施檢疫依照規定收費。
- For the commissioned enforcement, the entrusted people's court may not collect fees from the entrusting people's court. 委託執行,受委託人民法院不得向委託人民法院收取費用。
- Chen Ge: Future can be free with collect fees coexisted situation, copyright issue can get settlement. 陳戈:未來會是免費與收費並存的局面,版權問題會得到解決。
- Poundage from original remittance amount 0.7% reduce to 0.2% , highest collect fees reduce 20 yuan from 50 yuan. 手續費從原來匯款金額的0.;7%25下調至0
- How does laser treatment myopia collect fees at present, what harm and sequela are there? ? ? 目前激光治療近視是怎麼收費的,有什麼危害和後遺症把???
- But phonic collect assist do not wish to define however collect fees means and to copyright person return return way. 但音集協卻不願詳細說明收費方式以及對著作權人的返還方式。
- Collect fees exorbitantly a travel burden that weighed common people substantially greatly. 過高的收費大大加重了老百姓的出行負擔。
- Collect fees should deal with by national regulation, cannot collect fees in disorder, random amerce. 收費應按國家規定辦理,不能亂收費、亂罰款。
- Arrange of this with one action is collect fees to what announce last month structural amendatory response. 這一舉措是對上個月公布的收費結構修正的回應。
- Public security fire control institutions, when conducting fire control examination and approval and acceptance check, shall not collect fees. 公安消防機構進行消防審核、驗收等監督檢查不得收取費用。
- Management sex collects fees should press formulary collection. 經營性收費要按規定收取。
- Port animal and plant quarantine offices shall collect fees,according to relevant regulations,for performing quarantine inspection. 口岸動植物檢疫機關實施檢疫依照規定收費。
- Public security fire control institutions,when conducting fire control examination and approval and acceptance check,shall not collect fees. 公安消防機構進行消防審核、驗收等監督檢查不得收取費用。
- Because of these schools this year is to be in approve ahead of schedule admit, do not collect fee of tuitional, accommodation, still have allowance. 因為這些學校今年是在提前批錄取,不收學費、住宿費,還有補助。
- New legal fare collects fees method, it is to conserve 1% of mark bottom. 新的訴訟費收費辦法,是保全標底的百分之一。
- Carry account of individual settle accounts collect delimit business, press individual remittance standard to collect fees, 1% , highest 50 yuan. 通過個人結算賬戶的匯划業務;按個人匯款標準收費;1%25;最高50元.