- The false boom of the spring and summer had ended. 春、夏的虛假繁榮已經結束。
- Warm to her hands and bare feet, secure and enfolding, redolent with aromas of spring and summer. 她的手腳能感覺到溫暖,安全和可靠,也想起了春天和夏天瀰漫的芬芳。
- Extend navy wind of spring and summer, NINE WEST still have a series of regard sport as bag style to design the inspiration of autumn and winter. 對比色的展現如銀色、白色,或是更強烈的黑色,都讓這一季的運動風展現秋冬的酷勁。
- The myriad of colors that autumn treats us to makes the greens of spring and summer and the cold white of winter seem devastatingly bland. 人為過往的悔而夢,為過往的美而夢,年復一年,來美近三十個年頭。
- As for the weight of the goods, please refer to the following: 6-9 pieces of spring and summer clothes per kilo; 2-6 pieces of autumn and winter clothes per kilo. 貨物重量可參考:春夏裝每公斤6-9件左右,秋冬裝每公斤2-6件左右。
- Autumn is connotation. She saturated the busy calendar of spring and summer's warm, and no longer chasing vanity praise, but quietly, quietly into a touch of the autumn. 秋天是含蓄蘊藉的。她飽歷了春的繁盛、夏的熱情,不再追逐浮華與讚譽,而是靜靜地、悄悄地融入一片淡淡的秋光之中。
- In jail, the prisoners get stir-crazy during the spring and summer. 在監獄中,犯人到了春夏就被關得快發瘋了。
- There may be six seasons in a year instead of four,and there will be the same beautiful alternation of spring and summer and day and night,but I don't see how that will make a difference. 那邊,一年中也許不只有四季,而有六季,春和夏,晝和夜的遞變也許一樣的美麗,可是我不知道那有什麼不同。
- The results showed that spring rainfall in Anshan displayed an upward trend with 2 mm/10a,while summer rainfall was a downward trend with 5 mm/10a. The instabilities of spring and summer rainfalls increased since the 1980s. 結果表明:鞍山市春季降水線性變化趨勢為增加趨勢,其線性變率為2 mm/10 a,夏季降水線性變化趨勢為減少趨勢,其線性變率為5 mm/10 a,並且從80年代開始春夏季降水的不穩定性開始增強。
- Despite the loss of the exotic colors of spring and summer passion vitality, but it has a unique gentle autumn everywhere distributed out of the kind of obscure but fascinating autumn aroma. 雖然失去了春天的迷人色彩以及夏日的激情活力,但是卻有著秋日的特有溫柔,到處都散發出了秋的那種朦朧而又迷人的芳香。
- So the days passed in spring and summer. 春夏的時光就是這樣度過的。
- There may be six seasons in a year instead of four, and there will be the same beautiful alternation of spring and summer and day and night, but I don't see how that will make a difference. 那邊一年中也許不只有四季,而有六季,春和夏,晝和夜的遞變也許一樣的美麗,可是我不知道那有什麼不同。
- Cuckoo tree blossoms between spring and summer. 生命力強,既耐乾旱又能抵抗潮溼,環境適應力強,春至夏季開花。
- It used to celebrate the start of spring and new life. 它過去常常是慶祝春天和新生命的開始。
- Spring and summer will arrive in due time. 春季夏季會循時來臨。
- In jail,the prisoners get stir-crazy during the spring and summer. 在監獄中,犯人到了春夏就被關得快發瘋了。
- In jail,the prisoners got stir-crazy during the spring and summer. 在監獄中,犯人到了春夏就被關得快發瘋了。
- In jail, the prisoner get stir- crazy during the spring and summer. 在監獄中,犯人到了春夏就被關得快發瘋了。
- In spring and summer, there are small greenish white flowers. 在春季和夏季,長了呈綠色的小白花。
- During spring and summer guests can relax on the Patio for lunch or dinner. 春和夏季時客人可以在我們的庭院休息而食用物或晚飯。