- Stocks close sharply lower as investors worry that the economy is poised to weaken even as frozen credit markets slowly start to show signs of recovery. 儘管冰凍的信貸市場慢慢開始出現恢復的跡象,股票收市時價位非常的低,就像投資者擔心的經濟將繼續衰弱。
- CBOT soy product futures followed the soybean market ended sharply lower. CBOT豆類產品期貨跟隨大豆市場大幅收跌。
- But it is not clear how and how readily the sharply lower interest rates will work through to boost the economy. 至於利率大幅回落會如何刺激經濟?這種刺激作用又會否迅速產生效果?
- Sharply lower house prices and ultracheap mortgages were bound to spark bargain hunting. 大幅下挫的房價和超級低廉的抵押貸款肯定會引發抄底。
- Shares on the London stock exchange traded sharply lower than Friday, undermined by term bond and currency markets. 在衣著,耐用消費品,娛樂,保健和交通方面的支出都在增加,同時城鎮居民的住房條件也得到了改善
- If we do not make that transition, we may be cursed not just with uneconomic growth but with an ecological catastrophe that would sharply lower living standards. 如果我們堅持不改變,到頭來可能不只得面對划不來的成長,還會因為生態浩劫而導致全人類的生活品質驟降。
- Shares on the London Stock Exchange traded sharply lower than Friday, undermined by turmoil on bond and currency markets. 受到證券和貨幣市場波動的影響,倫敦證券交易所的交易額較周五大幅下降。
- Notably, the Chicago Board Options Exchange』s volatility index, or VIX, surged to a new high on Friday after stocks opened sharply lower. 值得注意的是,上周五股市開盤暴跌之後,芝加哥期權交易所波動率指數(VIX)飆升至新高。
- Meeting the so-called Muskie Law, which called for sharply lower exhaust emissions by 1975, was deemed an impossible task by most carmakers. 會議所謂的馬斯基法,其中要求大幅降低廢氣排放量1975年,被認為是一個不可能完成的任務的大多數汽車製造商。
- NGL supply has been revised down by 15 kb/d for 2004 after the release of sharply lower than expected February production data. 在公布了大大低於預期的2月份生產數據后,2004年的 天然氣凝析液體(NGL)供應量 向下修正了1.;5萬桶/天。
- In Chicago, prices for lean hogs and pork bellies traded sharply lower after initially falling by their daily trading limit amid talk of US trade restrictions with Mexico. 在芝加哥,瘦肉豬和豬腩期貨的交易價格大幅走低。此前在開盤之時,美國將限制與墨西哥貿易的傳言,導致這兩種期貨的價格一度跌停。
- NEW YORK -Wall Street finished sharply lower Monday as investors pored over more signs of economic weakness, including a huge round of layoffs in the financial sector. 由於投資者注意到更多經濟疲軟跡象,包括金融領域的大規模裁員,紐約華爾街周一大幅收低。
- When things went wrong, one of the brokers, Merrill Lynch, tried to sell its collateral but soon stopped when it transpired it was only succeeding in driving prices sharply lower. 當事態變得嚴重,經濟人之一美林證券就試圖賣掉擔保,但很快停止,因為只有價格特別低時才能這麼做。
- COMEX gold futures closed sharply higher on the 10th, the promotion of technical buying. COMEX期金10日收盤大幅走高,受技術性買盤推動。
- A sharp razor gives a close shave. 剃刀鋒利颳得就乾凈。
- People say that the tiger is still lurk close to. 人們說那隻老虎還躲在附近。
- He was sharply reprimanded for his negligence. 他因玩忽職責而受到嚴厲的申斥。
- She is buying a flat close to her office. 她正在購買一套靠近她辦公室的單元房。
- She's always been very close about her past life. 她對自己過去的生活一直守口如瓶。
- For the umpteenth time close the door quietly. 我告訴過你好多次要輕輕地關門。