It's a quarter to4 o'clock.There are only5 minutes left to the end of the game.Our team, with a4 to0 lead, are simply running out the clock. 現在是3:45分,離比賽結束只剩5分鐘了,我們隊以4比0領先,現在只是在打防守戰。
I've set the clock for6:30 so that we can be up early to climb mountain before breakfast. 我把表定在6:30鬧響,這樣我們可以早起在早飯前爬山。
The new censorship law will put the clock back (by) 50 years. 新的審查條例是開倒車,要退回到50年前的水平。
He clocked 9.8 seconds for the 100 metres. 他100米跑了9.