- chop sb.'s finger off 砍斷某人的手指
- Better a finger off as aye wagging. 常痛的指頭不如割掉。
- Better a finger off than aye wagging. 長痛不如短痛。
- Better a finger off than always aching. 長痛不如短痛。
- Keep your fingers off the wet paint. 勿用手指觸摸未乾的油漆。
- Rivers, of course, is a former teammate of Tree Rollins - the infamous Hawks center who nearly bit off Danny Ainge』s finger in the bottom of a pileup. 曾經在聯盟打拚多年的里弗斯認為當年聯盟採取的「季後賽處罰新賽季施行」的規則會更加合適。
- Mind you don't cut your fingers off! 小心別切斷了手指頭!
- 「To chop a finger off, that's a bit drastic,」Backwell toldtheABC. 「截斷手指,這有些極端」,巴克韋爾對澳大利亞廣播公司說,「但我熱愛橄欖球,熱愛體育運動。
- Be careful, you are liable to chop your finger off 當心點,不然你會把你的指頭切掉。
- Finally, the flexural ESMAA, outputting the same curvature with smaller prestrain, have longer cycle life and facilitate producing humanoid robot hand』s finger. 輸出相同彎曲曲率時,彎曲型ESMAA中絲的預變形小,電機循環壽命長,適合於多台組合構成擬人機械手指。
- Rem didn't take his finger off the trigger until the 'Cat looked like a lava runoff. 雷的手指一直摳著扳機開火,直到大貓變得像一攤融化的熔岩。
- He moved to the other one and Joe』s fingers tangled in his hair as he suckled. 當他哺乳的時候,他移到另一個和喬的手指在他的頭髮中使纏結。
- Mind that sharp knife,it could have your fingers off! 小心那把快刀,它會一下子割掉你的手指。
- Mind that sharp knife, it could have your fingers off! 小心那把鋒利的刀,它會一下子割掉你的手指!
- I kept my fingers off the bills as he passed them to the checker. 在他把錢遞給收銀員之前,我一直都避免自己的手碰到那些錢。
- George, the security guard, arrives and detaches the woman』s fingers from my arm. 喬治趕過來,他是名保安,把那女人拽著我胳膊的手拆開。
- When the old lady tried to pat the dog, it almost bit her fingers off. 當老太太想要愛撫一下那條狗時,它差點把她的手指咬下來。
- Please don't chop in as much as you are doing. 請別老是這樣沒完沒了地插話。
- We must appoint sb to act as secretary. 我們得指定一個人當秘書。
- If you ever awoke in the night and felt your lover『 s fingers in your hair, at that moment, whoever lurks beyond the Milky Wang is like a distant gypsy in a childhood fairy tale. 倘若夜半醒來,感到愛人的手指溫柔地撫摸在你的發間,此時此刻,尚可徜徉游移於銀河之外,倒像是孩提時代夢境中遙遠的吉普賽人。