- The hotel 's sheet and towel are sent to the laundry every day . 飯店的床單和手巾每天都送到洗衣房清洗。
- The hotel 's sheet and towel are sent to the laundry every day. 飯店的床單和手巾每天都送到洗衣房清洗。
- Description: Solid or Printed Flannel Sheet Set with 4 inches hem on the top of the flat sheet and each opened side of the pillowcases. 素色或印花法蘭絨床單,床單的頭上及枕套的開口邊有4"的邊。
- Robey『s sheet had cost him $24, and his profit was $14,976 while Klein gained $5,000. 羅比付出24美元買全版倒轉票,他的利潤是14976美元,而克林先生賺了5000美元。
- Our Mainly goods is Comforter, Duvet Cover,Sheet Set, Pillow Shams, Euro Shams, Dec Pillow, Coverlet, Pillows etc.Embroidery,Jacquard, Printing bedding is our characteristic. 主要生產被子,被套,床單4件套,枕套,歐枕套,裝飾枕,被蓋,枕芯等,產品特色以繡花、提花、印花產品為主.
- The pillowcase of this BED SHEET SET 「C」 must be with LOGO embroidered in the pillow cases center with same color (Off White color) of the pillow cases. 一匹白布,如果沒有印花加工,材料就是再好,也僅僅是一匹布;
- Although the result was disappointing, the clean sheet set the tone for the tournament, with England's rearguard defending resolutely, conceding only three goals en route to glory. 雖然結果令人失望,但沒有失球成為了這屆杯賽的主旋律,英格蘭後衛完美的表現,使英格蘭在奪杯過程中僅失三球。
- It is wrong of you to bully the child. 你不該欺侮那個孩子。
- The child was tired and fretful. 那孩子又疲倦又煩躁不安。
- If enough users are interested I also could add support for automatically numbering or renumber sheet sets or sheet index values. 如果有足夠的用戶有興趣我也可以購買支持自動編號或編號改為資產負債表或資產負債表兩套指數值。
- X-stitch embroidered bed sheet set 十字花被套
- machine-embroidered bed sheet set 機繡被套
- The obstetrician delivered the child. 產科醫生替這個孩子接生。
- He tried to soothe the crying child. 他試著去哄那個在哭的孩子。
- It's a real hassle to get this child to eat. 使這孩子吃東西,真要費九牛二虎之力。
- He rescued a drowning child holding on to a plank. 他救起了一個緊緊抓住一塊木板的溺水的孩子。
- If you hit the child again, you'll have me to reckon with. 如果你再打孩子,我就要插手這事了。
- Note that the balance sheet sets forth in its heading three items: (1) the name to the business, (2) the name of the statement "Balance sheet", and (3) the date to Dreary: the balance sheet. 注意,資產負債表在表頭要設置三個項目:(1) 企業名稱(2) 財務報表名稱"資產負債表"(3) 資產負債表編表日。
- That precious child of hers is really a holy terror. 她那個寶貝孩子真是調皮得要命。
- The doctor was very thorough in his examination of the sick child. 醫生對生病的孩子進行了仔細的檢查。