- Let' s dress up and go out to the theatre. 我們穿戴整齊到戲院看戲吧。
- Info:Dress Gloves made of Full Sheep Leather,Inside Fleece Linnings. 主要材質:真皮次要材質:真皮適用對象:女款式:分指手套
- Mary' s dress is not the right length ; it is too short. 瑪麗的衣服長短不合適,太短了。
- Although she s dressed up 2 the nines. 雖然她的打扮無可挑剔。
- A woman』s dress should also be loose fitting so as not to reveal her body shape to protect her modesty. 女人的洋裝也應該是解放適宜的如此同樣不要她的身體塑造保護她的謙遜。
- As one of the inspirit cultures, miao"s dress is very richness and the pattern is very heavy and complicated.So this is very infrequence of all the 56 nations of China. 苗族服飾作為少數民族豐富的精神文化遺產之一,服飾之豐富,樣式之繁複,為中國56個民族所罕見,以至於可以依其樣式、顏色來區分苗族各支系的名稱。
- Her painted works, such as The Music in the Air, The Notes in the Air, Nuwa』s Dress and Contemplating the Middle Ages, are filled with a melodic beauty and elegance. 如:空氣中的音樂、空氣中的音符、女媧之服、向中世紀致敬等,瀰漫著一種旋律美,繼而產生一種高雅的畫品。
- man's dress gloves in elegant style 造型大方的男式禮服手套
- In this site I hope to wedding dresses give glove history,flower girl dresses glove patterns,Prom Dress and a place to show off our work in gloving. 胡毅督說,芬蘭是桑拿的起源地。芬蘭人酷愛桑拿,無論是居家還是外出旅行,洗桑拿都不可少。桑拿已作為一種文化融入了芬蘭的血脈, 在「冰壺」的設計中自然也不可疏漏。
- Meanwhile, lady s dress was more magnificent, especially in the following three dress forms: Ruqun dress, female dressed as male and Hu dress. 其時女子服飾更是瑰麗奇異,襦裙服、女著男裝與胡服3種服飾情況充分體現了這一特點。
- It is wrong of you to bully the child. 你不該欺侮那個孩子。
- The child was tired and fretful. 那孩子又疲倦又煩躁不安。
- Callum: Here, visitors can see famous paintings, antiques, as well as the Queen『s dresses and jewellery. 有著名的油畫,古董;還有女王的服飾,和她佩戴的珠寶首飾。
- women' s dress of Han nationality in Tang Dynasty 唐代漢族女子服飾
- The obstetrician delivered the child. 產科醫生替這個孩子接生。
- He tried to soothe the crying child. 他試著去哄那個在哭的孩子。
- It』s dressed with bubbles at each end linked with a chain that can be adorned with tassels or charms, depending on the needs of the brand. 這是穿著泡沫兩端與鏈,可飾以流蘇或魅力,這取決於需求的品牌。
- child's dress gloves 童式日用手套
- It's a real hassle to get this child to eat. 使這孩子吃東西,真要費九牛二虎之力。
- He rescued a drowning child holding on to a plank. 他救起了一個緊緊抓住一塊木板的溺水的孩子。